[2/4] batman-adv: improved client announcement mechanism

Message ID 1303940106-1457-3-git-send-email-ordex@autistici.org (mailing list archive)
State Superseded, archived

Commit Message

Antonio Quartulli April 27, 2011, 9:35 p.m. UTC
  The old HNA mechanism has been totally rewritten from scratch.
The new mechanism consists in announcing local translation-table changes
only, reducing the protocol overhead.

For details, please visit:

- COMPAT_VERSION has been increased to 14
- batman-adv now depends on module "crc16" for tt crc computation

Signed-off-by: Antonio Quartulli <ordex@autistici.org>
 aggregation.c       |   23 +-
 aggregation.h       |    6 +-
 hard-interface.c    |   13 +-
 main.c              |   13 +-
 main.h              |   10 +-
 originator.c        |    8 +-
 packet.h            |   34 ++-
 routing.c           |  237 +++++++++--
 routing.h           |   10 +-
 send.c              |   90 +++-
 send.h              |    2 +-
 soft-interface.c    |   11 +-
 translation-table.c | 1151 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 translation-table.h |   39 ++-
 types.h             |   38 ++-
 unicast.c           |    3 +
 16 files changed, 1374 insertions(+), 314 deletions(-)


Andrew Lunn April 28, 2011, 4:10 p.m. UTC | #1
On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 11:35:04PM +0200, Antonio Quartulli wrote:
> The old HNA mechanism has been totally rewritten from scratch.
> The new mechanism consists in announcing local translation-table changes
> only, reducing the protocol overhead.
> For details, please visit:
> http://www.open-mesh.org/wiki/batman-adv/Hna-improvements
> Moreover:
> - COMPAT_VERSION has been increased to 14
> - batman-adv now depends on module "crc16" for tt crc computation

Hi Antonio

Shouldn't this dependency be listed in the Kconfig file? I think you
need to add

select CRC16

See for example ./drivers/w1/slaves/Kconfig. 

Sven Eckelmann April 28, 2011, 4:14 p.m. UTC | #2
On Thursday 28 April 2011 18:10:31 Andrew Lunn wrote:
> > Moreover:
> > - COMPAT_VERSION has been increased to 14
> > - batman-adv now depends on module "crc16" for tt crc computation


> Shouldn't this dependency be listed in the Kconfig file? I think you
> need to add
> select CRC16
> See for example ./drivers/w1/slaves/Kconfig.

Yes, but this patch is against the external module.

Kind regards,
Marek Lindner April 28, 2011, 5:34 p.m. UTC | #3
On Thursday 28 April 2011 18:10:31 Andrew Lunn wrote:
> Shouldn't this dependency be listed in the Kconfig file? I think you
> need to add
> select CRC16

Actually, the question is whether it is a wise move to introduce this 
dependency just for that function or whether somebody has an idea how to avoid 
it. Obviously, copying this function into our module won't be accepted by the 
kernel developers.

Antonio Quartulli April 28, 2011, 5:45 p.m. UTC | #4
On Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 07:34:29PM +0200, Marek Lindner wrote:
> On Thursday 28 April 2011 18:10:31 Andrew Lunn wrote:
> > Shouldn't this dependency be listed in the Kconfig file? I think you
> > need to add
> > 
> > select CRC16
> Actually, the question is whether it is a wise move to introduce this 
> dependency just for that function or whether somebody has an idea how to avoid 
> it. Obviously, copying this function into our module won't be accepted by the 
> kernel developers.

In my opinion it would not be so bad to include this dependency as the
crc16 module provides this function only and no more.
By the way any idea is welcome!
Gioacchino Mazzurco April 28, 2011, 5:46 p.m. UTC | #5
>In my opinion it would not be so bad to include this dependency as the
>crc16 module provides this function only and no more.


2011/4/28 Antonio Quartulli <ordex@autistici.org>:
> On Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 07:34:29PM +0200, Marek Lindner wrote:
>> On Thursday 28 April 2011 18:10:31 Andrew Lunn wrote:
>> > Shouldn't this dependency be listed in the Kconfig file? I think you
>> > need to add
>> >
>> > select CRC16
>> Actually, the question is whether it is a wise move to introduce this
>> dependency just for that function or whether somebody has an idea how to avoid
>> it. Obviously, copying this function into our module won't be accepted by the
>> kernel developers.
> In my opinion it would not be so bad to include this dependency as the
> crc16 module provides this function only and no more.
> By the way any idea is welcome!
> --
> Antonio Quartulli
> ..each of us alone is worth nothing..
> Ernesto "Che" Guevara
Andrew Lunn April 30, 2011, 8:42 a.m. UTC | #6
On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 11:35:04PM +0200, Antonio Quartulli wrote:
> The old HNA mechanism has been totally rewritten from scratch.
> The new mechanism consists in announcing local translation-table changes
> only, reducing the protocol overhead.
Hi Antonia

> For details, please visit:
> http://www.open-mesh.org/wiki/batman-adv/Hna-improvements

This is a nice summary of the idea. The LaTeX document is also good.
Great to see documentation...

>  /* is there another aggregated packet here? */
> -static inline int aggregated_packet(int buff_pos, int packet_len, int num_tt)
> +static inline int aggregated_packet(int buff_pos, int packet_len,
> +				    int tt_num_changes)
>  {
> -	int next_buff_pos = buff_pos + BAT_PACKET_LEN + (num_tt * ETH_ALEN);
> +	int next_buff_pos = buff_pos + BAT_PACKET_LEN + (tt_num_changes *
> +						sizeof(struct tt_change));

You indentation/wrapping is a bit strange. In the function
declaration, i would of put the int tt_num_changes directly under int
buff_pos. For next_buff_pos i would of put the whole ( ) subexpression
on the next line, not split it in half. This happens throughout the

> +#define TT_OGM_APPEND_MAX 3 /* number of OGMs sent with the last tt diff */
> +
> +/* Transtable operations */
> +#define TT_ADD 0
> +#define TT_DEL 1

> +
> +++ b/packet.h
> @@ -30,9 +30,10 @@
>  #define BAT_BCAST        0x04
>  #define BAT_VIS          0x05
>  #define BAT_UNICAST_FRAG 0x06
> +#define BAT_TT_QUERY	 0x07


>  /* this file is included by batctl which needs these defines */
> -#define COMPAT_VERSION 12
> +#define COMPAT_VERSION 14

What happened to version 13? It suggests this diff is against an older
version of batman. Is there going to be merging problems?

> @@ -52,6 +53,11 @@
>  #define UNI_FRAG_HEAD 0x01
>  #define UNI_FRAG_LARGETAIL 0x02
> +/* TT flags */
> +#define TT_RESPONSE	0x00
> +#define TT_REQUEST	0x01
> +#define TT_FULL_TABLE	0x02
> +
> @@ -101,6 +109,7 @@ struct unicast_packet {
>  	uint8_t  version;  /* batman version field */
>  	uint8_t  dest[6];
>  	uint8_t  ttl;
> +	uint8_t  ttvn; /* destination ttvn */
>  } __packed;

What is ttvn? The vn in particular? Is it version? There is already
ver and version used, do we want yet another way to say version?

> @@ -134,4 +143,25 @@ struct vis_packet {
>  	uint8_t  sender_orig[6]; /* who sent or rebroadcasted this packet */
>  } __packed;
> +struct tt_query_packet {
> +	uint8_t  packet_type;
> +	uint8_t  version;  /* batman version field */
> +	uint8_t  dst[6];
> +	uint8_t  ttl;
> +	uint8_t  flags;		/* bit0: 0: -> tt_request
> +				 *	 1: -> tt_response
> +				 * bit1: request the full table
> +				 */

Rather than document the bits, it would be better to reference to the
macros TT_*. Somebody at some time with add new flags, or change the
values and not update this description.

> +	uint8_t  src[6];
> +	uint8_t  ttvn;		/* if tt_request: ttvn that triggered the
> +				 *		  request
> +				 * if tt_response: new ttvn for the src
> +				 * orig_node
> +				 */
> +	uint16_t tt_data;	/* if tt_request: crc associated with the
> +				 *		   ttvn
> +				 * if tt_response: table_size
> +				 */

Maybe a union instead of tt_data being used for two different things?
Makes it less confusing when reading the code.

> diff --git a/routing.c b/routing.c
> index 91b3709..838394b 100644
> --- a/routing.c
> +++ b/routing.c
> @@ -64,28 +64,68 @@ void slide_own_bcast_window(struct hard_iface *hard_iface)
>  	}
>  }
> -static void update_TT(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, struct orig_node *orig_node,
> -		       unsigned char *tt_buff, int tt_buff_len)
> +static void update_transtable(struct bat_priv *bat_priv,
> +			      struct orig_node *orig_node,
> +			      unsigned char *tt_buff, uint8_t tt_num_changes,
> +			      uint8_t ttvn, uint16_t tt_crc)
>  {
> -	if ((tt_buff_len != orig_node->tt_buff_len) ||
> -	    ((tt_buff_len > 0) &&
> -	     (orig_node->tt_buff_len > 0) &&
> -	     (memcmp(orig_node->tt_buff, tt_buff, tt_buff_len) != 0))) {
> -
> -		if (orig_node->tt_buff_len > 0)
> -			tt_global_del_orig(bat_priv, orig_node,
> -					    "originator changed tt");
> -
> -		if ((tt_buff_len > 0) && (tt_buff))
> -			tt_global_add_orig(bat_priv, orig_node,
> -					    tt_buff, tt_buff_len);
> +	struct tt_change *tt_change;
> +	int count;
> +	uint8_t orig_ttvn = (uint8_t)atomic_read(&orig_node->last_tt_ver_num);
> +
> +	/* the ttvn increased by one -> we can apply the attached changes */
> +	if (ttvn - orig_ttvn == 1) {
> +		/* if it does not contain the changes send a tt request */
> +		if (!tt_num_changes)
> +			goto request_table;

Why would that happen? It sounds like you are handling a bug, not
something which is designed to happen. 

> +
> +		for (count = 0; count < tt_num_changes; count++) {
> +			tt_change = (struct tt_change *) tt_buff + count;
> +			/* Check for the change op */
> +			if (tt_change->op == TT_DEL)
> +				tt_global_del(bat_priv, orig_node,
> +					      tt_change->addr,
> +					      "tt remotely removed");
> +			else
> +				if (!tt_global_add(bat_priv, orig_node,
> +							tt_change->addr,
> +							ttvn))
> +					/* In case of problem while storing a
> +					 * global_entry, we stop the updating
> +					 * procedure without committing the
> +					 * ttvn change. This will avoid to send
> +					 * corrupted data on tt_request
> +					 */
> +					return;

Why would an add fail? Because we are out of space? Does it make sense
to have two passes over the changes. The first pass does all the
deletes and the second pass the adds? Does that make it less likely
the add will fail?

Also, the ttvn still has the old value, but some of the new content.
Does this cause problems when somebody makes a request for the ttvn
with the old value? The requester gets something between ttvn and
ttvn+1, but thinks it has ttvn. Can subsequent updates work?

>  	bat_dbg(DBG_BATMAN, bat_priv,
>  		"Received BATMAN packet via NB: %pM, IF: %s [%pM] "
> -		"(from OG: %pM, via prev OG: %pM, seqno %d, tq %d, "
> -		"TTL %d, V %d, IDF %d)\n",
> +		"(from OG: %pM, via prev OG: %pM, seqno %d, ttvn %u, "
> +		"crc %u, changes %u, td %d, TTL %d, V %d, IDF %d)\n",
>  		ethhdr->h_source, if_incoming->net_dev->name,
>  		if_incoming->net_dev->dev_addr, batman_packet->orig,
>  		batman_packet->prev_sender, batman_packet->seqno,
> -		batman_packet->tq, batman_packet->ttl, batman_packet->version,
> +		batman_packet->tt_ver_num, batman_packet->tt_crc,
> +		batman_packet->tt_num_changes, batman_packet->tq,
> +		batman_packet->ttl, batman_packet->version,
>  		has_directlink_flag);

I think this is the information bisect uses to look for routing loops
etc. Do you plan to extend bisect to look for TT problems? Does it
make sense to add a new DBG_TT which dumps the adds and removes in the
> +int recv_tt_query(struct sk_buff *skb, struct hard_iface *recv_if)
> +{
> +	struct bat_priv *bat_priv = netdev_priv(recv_if->soft_iface);
> +	struct tt_query_packet *tt_query;
> +	struct ethhdr *ethhdr;
> +	int ret = NET_RX_DROP;
> +
> +	/* drop packet if it has not necessary minimum size */
> +	if (unlikely(!pskb_may_pull(skb, sizeof(struct tt_query_packet))))
> +		goto out;
> +
> +	/* I could need to modify it */
> +	if (skb_cow(skb, sizeof(struct tt_query_packet)) < 0)
> +		goto out;
> +
> +	ethhdr = (struct ethhdr *)skb_mac_header(skb);
> +
> +	/* packet with unicast indication but broadcast recipient */
> +	if (is_broadcast_ether_addr(ethhdr->h_dest))
> +		goto out;
> +
> +	/* packet with broadcast sender address */
> +	if (is_broadcast_ether_addr(ethhdr->h_source))
> +		goto out;
> +
> +	tt_query = (struct tt_query_packet *)skb->data;
> +
> +	tt_query->tt_data = ntohs(tt_query->tt_data);
> +
> +	if (tt_query->flags & TT_REQUEST) {
> +		/* Try to reply to this tt_request */
> +		ret = send_tt_response(bat_priv, tt_query);
> +		if (ret != NET_RX_SUCCESS) {

This looks wrong. The name send_tt_response() suggests we are sending,
but you compare against NET_RX_SUCCESS!

> +			bat_dbg(DBG_ROUTES, bat_priv,
> +				"Routing TT_REQUEST to %pM [%c]\n",
> +				tt_query->dst,
> +				(tt_query->flags & TT_FULL_TABLE ? 'F' : '.'));
> +			tt_query->tt_data = htons(tt_query->tt_data);
> +			return route_unicast_packet(skb, recv_if);
> +		}
> +		goto out;
> +	}
> +	/* We need to linearize the packet to access the TT data */
> +	if (skb_linearize(skb) < 0)
> +		goto out;

Isn't this too late. You have already accessed tt_query->tt_data in
the code above?

> +	diff = unicast_packet->ttvn - curr_ttvn;
> +	/* Check whether I have to reroute the packet */
> +	if (unicast_packet->packet_type == BAT_UNICAST &&
> +	    (diff < 0 && diff > -0xff/2)) {

Are there no helper methods to do this wrap around comparison in one
of the linux header files?

Antonio Quartulli April 30, 2011, 4 p.m. UTC | #7
On sab, apr 30, 2011 at 10:42:26 +0200, Andrew Lunn wrote:
> Hi Antonia

Hi Andrew, hi all

(don't worry for the typo ;) )

> > For details, please visit:
> > http://www.open-mesh.org/wiki/batman-adv/Hna-improvements
> This is a nice summary of the idea. The LaTeX document is also good.
> Great to see documentation...

A research project has been made upon this topic, indeed that document
is an old draft of part of the project report. (The whole report will be
published as soon as it is ready)

> >  /* is there another aggregated packet here? */
> > -static inline int aggregated_packet(int buff_pos, int packet_len, int num_tt)
> > +static inline int aggregated_packet(int buff_pos, int packet_len,
> > +				    int tt_num_changes)
> >  {
> > -	int next_buff_pos = buff_pos + BAT_PACKET_LEN + (num_tt * ETH_ALEN);
> > +	int next_buff_pos = buff_pos + BAT_PACKET_LEN + (tt_num_changes *
> > +						sizeof(struct tt_change));
> You indentation/wrapping is a bit strange. In the function
> declaration, i would of put the int tt_num_changes directly under int
> buff_pos.

This is what I've done, but it seems that your mail client is messing up
with the tabs (I think).

> For next_buff_pos i would of put the whole ( ) subexpression
> on the next line, not split it in half. This happens throughout the
> patch.
> > +#define TT_OGM_APPEND_MAX 3 /* number of OGMs sent with the last tt diff */
> > +
> > +/* Transtable operations */
> > +#define TT_ADD 0
> > +#define TT_DEL 1
> > +
> > +++ b/packet.h
> > @@ -30,9 +30,10 @@
> >  #define BAT_BCAST        0x04
> >  #define BAT_VIS          0x05
> >  #define BAT_UNICAST_FRAG 0x06
> > +#define BAT_TT_QUERY	 0x07
> Indentation?

As above, but in this case I think I'll substitute the tab with spaces so
that all the BAT_* definitions can be homogeneous

> >  
> >  /* this file is included by batctl which needs these defines */
> > -#define COMPAT_VERSION 12
> > +#define COMPAT_VERSION 14
> What happened to version 13? It suggests this diff is against an older
> version of batman. Is there going to be merging problems?

There was a problem with the COMPAT_VERSION so I had to jump to 14 (I can't
really remember the details, Marek should know something more :))

> > @@ -52,6 +53,11 @@
> >  #define UNI_FRAG_HEAD 0x01
> >  #define UNI_FRAG_LARGETAIL 0x02
> >  
> > +/* TT flags */
> > +#define TT_RESPONSE	0x00
> > +#define TT_REQUEST	0x01
> > +#define TT_FULL_TABLE	0x02
> > +
> > @@ -101,6 +109,7 @@ struct unicast_packet {
> >  	uint8_t  version;  /* batman version field */
> >  	uint8_t  dest[6];
> >  	uint8_t  ttl;
> > +	uint8_t  ttvn; /* destination ttvn */
> >  } __packed;
> What is ttvn? The vn in particular? Is it version? There is already
> ver and version used, do we want yet another way to say version?

Translation Table Version Number. 'ttvn' is the abbreviation used in the
documentation, so I decided to use it as field name. Only in the struct
orig_node it is called last_tt_ver_num. Do you think I should use the
latter everywhere? 'ttvn' is really nice and compact :)

> > @@ -134,4 +143,25 @@ struct vis_packet {
> >  	uint8_t  sender_orig[6]; /* who sent or rebroadcasted this packet */
> >  } __packed;
> >  
> > +struct tt_query_packet {
> > +	uint8_t  packet_type;
> > +	uint8_t  version;  /* batman version field */
> > +	uint8_t  dst[6];
> > +	uint8_t  ttl;
> > +	uint8_t  flags;		/* bit0: 0: -> tt_request
> > +				 *	 1: -> tt_response
> > +				 * bit1: request the full table
> > +				 */
> Rather than document the bits, it would be better to reference to the
> macros TT_*. Somebody at some time with add new flags, or change the
> values and not update this description.

Mh..Honestly I prefer to understand what each bit means in a bitfield
flag. What do you mean with reference to the macros? Should I explain
here which macro can be assigned to the field?

> > +	uint8_t  src[6];
> > +	uint8_t  ttvn;		/* if tt_request: ttvn that triggered the
> > +				 *		  request
> > +				 * if tt_response: new ttvn for the src
> > +				 * orig_node
> > +				 */
> > +	uint16_t tt_data;	/* if tt_request: crc associated with the
> > +				 *		   ttvn
> > +				 * if tt_response: table_size
> > +				 */
> Maybe a union instead of tt_data being used for two different things?
> Makes it less confusing when reading the code.

I decided to avoid a union because here we have two different things
which have exactly the same length. So I opted for a "generic" name.
What do style experts suggest? :)
A union would probably make easier to understand what is going on while
reading the code, as Andrew suggested.

> > +	/* the ttvn increased by one -> we can apply the attached changes */
> > +	if (ttvn - orig_ttvn == 1) {
> > +		/* if it does not contain the changes send a tt request */
> > +		if (!tt_num_changes)
> > +			goto request_table;
> Why would that happen? It sounds like you are handling a bug, not
> something which is designed to happen. 

We have two cases which would lead to this situation:
1) An OGM, after being sent TT_OGM_APPEND_MAX times, will not contain
the changes anymore. If a node missed all the "full" OGMs, it will
end up in this situation when receiving the next one.
2) The set of changes is too big to be appended to the OGM (due to the frame
maximum size). The receiving node will send a tt_request to recover the
changes (later on, it could also exploit the fragmentation, while the
OGM cannot)

> > +
> > +		for (count = 0; count < tt_num_changes; count++) {
> > +			tt_change = (struct tt_change *) tt_buff + count;
> > +			/* Check for the change op */
> > +			if (tt_change->op == TT_DEL)
> > +				tt_global_del(bat_priv, orig_node,
> > +					      tt_change->addr,
> > +					      "tt remotely removed");
> > +			else
> > +				if (!tt_global_add(bat_priv, orig_node,
> > +							tt_change->addr,
> > +							ttvn))
> > +					/* In case of problem while storing a
> > +					 * global_entry, we stop the updating
> > +					 * procedure without committing the
> > +					 * ttvn change. This will avoid to send
> > +					 * corrupted data on tt_request
> > +					 */
> > +					return;
> Why would an add fail? Because we are out of space? Does it make sense
> to have two passes over the changes. The first pass does all the
> deletes and the second pass the adds? Does that make it less likely
> the add will fail?

Yes, memory problem. Actually it is not possible to make two passes:
e.g. imagine that the set of changes is the following:
(ok it is probably not really common, but still possible)
If we make two passes we will have A again in the table while it should not be
By the way, if we are going to add a client which is already in the
table, we will not allocate more memory, but we will simply change
the "pointer" of the originator serving such client in our structure

> Also, the ttvn still has the old value, but some of the new content.
> Does this cause problems when somebody makes a request for the ttvn
> with the old value? The requester gets something between ttvn and
> ttvn+1, but thinks it has ttvn. Can subsequent updates work?

Remember that we added the TT_CRC. It was born as conutermeasure to node
reboots, but now we are exploiting it as consistency check! This is why
the code recomputes the crc after applying every change set. If something
went wrong, on the next OGM the node will recognise the problem and ask
for a "full table".
Moreover the crc is sent within the tt_request message, so
that if a intermediate node doesn't match it, the request is forwarded
instead of immediatly reply.

> >  	bat_dbg(DBG_BATMAN, bat_priv,
> >  		"Received BATMAN packet via NB: %pM, IF: %s [%pM] "
> > -		"(from OG: %pM, via prev OG: %pM, seqno %d, tq %d, "
> > -		"TTL %d, V %d, IDF %d)\n",
> > +		"(from OG: %pM, via prev OG: %pM, seqno %d, ttvn %u, "
> > +		"crc %u, changes %u, td %d, TTL %d, V %d, IDF %d)\n",
> >  		ethhdr->h_source, if_incoming->net_dev->name,
> >  		if_incoming->net_dev->dev_addr, batman_packet->orig,
> >  		batman_packet->prev_sender, batman_packet->seqno,
> > -		batman_packet->tq, batman_packet->ttl, batman_packet->version,
> > +		batman_packet->tt_ver_num, batman_packet->tt_crc,
> > +		batman_packet->tt_num_changes, batman_packet->tq,
> > +		batman_packet->ttl, batman_packet->version,
> >  		has_directlink_flag);
> I think this is the information bisect uses to look for routing loops
> etc. Do you plan to extend bisect to look for TT problems? Does it
> make sense to add a new DBG_TT which dumps the adds and removes in the
> OGM?

Sounds good to me :)

> > +	if (tt_query->flags & TT_REQUEST) {
> > +		/* Try to reply to this tt_request */
> > +		ret = send_tt_response(bat_priv, tt_query);
> > +		if (ret != NET_RX_SUCCESS) {
> This looks wrong. The name send_tt_response() suggests we are sending,
> but you compare against NET_RX_SUCCESS!

eheh you're nearly right. We are sending a tt_response here, BUT only if we
have enough information to send such message we can consider the
tt_request as correctly received, otherwise, as the code below suggests,
we have to re-route the packet and so let route_unicast_packet() decide
whether the mesage was correctly received or not.

> > +			bat_dbg(DBG_ROUTES, bat_priv,
> > +				"Routing TT_REQUEST to %pM [%c]\n",
> > +				tt_query->dst,
> > +				(tt_query->flags & TT_FULL_TABLE ? 'F' : '.'));
> > +			tt_query->tt_data = htons(tt_query->tt_data);
> > +			return route_unicast_packet(skb, recv_if);
> > +		}
> > +		goto out;
> > +	}
> > +	/* We need to linearize the packet to access the TT data */
> > +	if (skb_linearize(skb) < 0)
> > +		goto out;
> Isn't this too late. You have already accessed tt_query->tt_data in
> the code above?

the access to the tt_data field is guaranteed by 

pskb_may_pull(skb, sizeof(struct tt_query_packet))

(a few lines above inside the function), while here we are linearising the
skb to let handle_tt_reponse access the data contained after the header.
(If I correctly understood how the skb work, this should be ok).
The comment refers to the data carried by the tt_response, not to the
tt_data field.

> > +	diff = unicast_packet->ttvn - curr_ttvn;
> > +	/* Check whether I have to reroute the packet */
> > +	if (unicast_packet->packet_type == BAT_UNICAST &&
> > +	    (diff < 0 && diff > -0xff/2)) {
> Are there no helper methods to do this wrap around comparison in one
> of the linux header files?

Honestly, I don't know. I'll investigate on it..

>    Andrew

Andrew thank you very much for reading the patches and for all your

Andrew Lunn April 30, 2011, 5:48 p.m. UTC | #8
> > You indentation/wrapping is a bit strange. In the function
> > declaration, i would of put the int tt_num_changes directly under int
> > buff_pos.
> This is what I've done, but it seems that your mail client is messing up
> with the tabs (I think).

Possibly. Or the list server. I use mutt, same as you, and it normally
gets tabs and the like correct.

> > > +++ b/packet.h
> > > @@ -30,9 +30,10 @@
> > >  #define BAT_BCAST        0x04
> > >  #define BAT_VIS          0x05
> > >  #define BAT_UNICAST_FRAG 0x06
> > > +#define BAT_TT_QUERY	 0x07
> > 
> > Indentation?
> As above, but in this case I think I'll substitute the tab with spaces so
> that all the BAT_* definitions can be homogeneous

checkpatch might complain, depending on the number of spaces. 
> > > +/* TT flags */
> > > +#define TT_RESPONSE	0x00
> > > +#define TT_REQUEST	0x01
> > > +#define TT_FULL_TABLE	0x02
> > > +
> > > @@ -101,6 +109,7 @@ struct unicast_packet {
> > >  	uint8_t  version;  /* batman version field */
> > >  	uint8_t  dest[6];
> > >  	uint8_t  ttl;
> > > +	uint8_t  ttvn; /* destination ttvn */
> > >  } __packed;
> > 
> > What is ttvn? The vn in particular? Is it version? There is already
> > ver and version used, do we want yet another way to say version?
> > 
> Translation Table Version Number. 'ttvn' is the abbreviation used in the
> documentation, so I decided to use it as field name. Only in the struct
> orig_node it is called last_tt_ver_num. Do you think I should use the
> latter everywhere? 'ttvn' is really nice and compact :)

It is a minor point. ttvn is O.K. But how about ttver? 

> > > @@ -134,4 +143,25 @@ struct vis_packet {
> > >  	uint8_t  sender_orig[6]; /* who sent or rebroadcasted this packet */
> > >  } __packed;
> > >  
> > > +struct tt_query_packet {
> > > +	uint8_t  packet_type;
> > > +	uint8_t  version;  /* batman version field */
> > > +	uint8_t  dst[6];
> > > +	uint8_t  ttl;
> > > +	uint8_t  flags;		/* bit0: 0: -> tt_request
> > > +				 *	 1: -> tt_response
> > > +				 * bit1: request the full table
> > > +				 */
> > 
> > Rather than document the bits, it would be better to reference to the
> > macros TT_*. Somebody at some time with add new flags, or change the
> > values and not update this description.
> Mh..Honestly I prefer to understand what each bit means in a bitfield
> flag. What do you mean with reference to the macros? 

I mean say that flags is a combination of TT_RESPONSE, TT_REQUEST,
TT_FULL_TABLE. The TT_* macros.

> > > +	uint8_t  src[6];
> > > +	uint8_t  ttvn;		/* if tt_request: ttvn that triggered the
> > > +				 *		  request
> > > +				 * if tt_response: new ttvn for the src
> > > +				 * orig_node
> > > +				 */
> > > +	uint16_t tt_data;	/* if tt_request: crc associated with the
> > > +				 *		   ttvn
> > > +				 * if tt_response: table_size
> > > +				 */
> > 
> > Maybe a union instead of tt_data being used for two different things?
> > Makes it less confusing when reading the code.
> I decided to avoid a union because here we have two different things
> which have exactly the same length. So I opted for a "generic" name.
> What do style experts suggest? :)
> A union would probably make easier to understand what is going on while
> reading the code, as Andrew suggested.

I believe in the saying: Code is written once, read a 100 times, so
make it easy to read.

> > > +	/* the ttvn increased by one -> we can apply the attached changes */
> > > +	if (ttvn - orig_ttvn == 1) {
> > > +		/* if it does not contain the changes send a tt request */
> > > +		if (!tt_num_changes)
> > > +			goto request_table;
> > 
> > Why would that happen? It sounds like you are handling a bug, not
> > something which is designed to happen. 
> >
> We have two cases which would lead to this situation:
> 1) An OGM, after being sent TT_OGM_APPEND_MAX times, will not contain
> the changes anymore. If a node missed all the "full" OGMs, it will
> end up in this situation when receiving the next one.
> 2) The set of changes is too big to be appended to the OGM (due to the frame
> maximum size). The receiving node will send a tt_request to recover the
> changes (later on, it could also exploit the fragmentation, while the
> OGM cannot)

O.K. so there is a good reason. So maybe hint about these reasons in
the comment? Help the reader understand why it might happen.

> Yes, memory problem. Actually it is not possible to make two passes:
> e.g. imagine that the set of changes is the following:
> - DEL A
> - ADD A
> - DEL A
> (ok it is probably not really common, but still possible)

And since it will not happen to often, it is not worth the code so
find such situations and simply the transactions.

> Remember that we added the TT_CRC. It was born as conutermeasure to node
> reboots, but now we are exploiting it as consistency check! This is why
> the code recomputes the crc after applying every change set. If something
> went wrong, on the next OGM the node will recognise the problem and ask
> for a "full table".

O.K. a clean self recovery. That is good.

> > > +	if (tt_query->flags & TT_REQUEST) {
> > > +		/* Try to reply to this tt_request */
> > > +		ret = send_tt_response(bat_priv, tt_query);
> > > +		if (ret != NET_RX_SUCCESS) {
> > 
> > This looks wrong. The name send_tt_response() suggests we are sending,
> > but you compare against NET_RX_SUCCESS!
> eheh you're nearly right. We are sending a tt_response here, BUT only if we
> have enough information to send such message we can consider the
> tt_request as correctly received, otherwise, as the code below suggests,
> we have to re-route the packet and so let route_unicast_packet() decide
> whether the mesage was correctly received or not.

You definitely need a comment here. It is so counter intuitive that
you are bound to get bug reports and patches by people who see this. 

> > > +			bat_dbg(DBG_ROUTES, bat_priv,
> > > +				"Routing TT_REQUEST to %pM [%c]\n",
> > > +				tt_query->dst,
> > > +				(tt_query->flags & TT_FULL_TABLE ? 'F' : '.'));
> > > +			tt_query->tt_data = htons(tt_query->tt_data);
> > > +			return route_unicast_packet(skb, recv_if);
> > > +		}
> > > +		goto out;
> > > +	}
> > > +	/* We need to linearize the packet to access the TT data */
> > > +	if (skb_linearize(skb) < 0)
> > > +		goto out;
> > 
> > Isn't this too late. You have already accessed tt_query->tt_data in
> > the code above?
> > 
> the access to the tt_data field is guaranteed by 
> pskb_may_pull(skb, sizeof(struct tt_query_packet))
> (a few lines above inside the function), while here we are linearising the
> skb to let handle_tt_reponse access the data contained after the header.

Ah, O.K. The comment is ambiguous and i got the wrong meaning. Maybe
the comment could be:

	/* We need to linearize the packet to access the TT change records */

Antonio Quartulli May 1, 2011, 11:35 a.m. UTC | #9
On Sat, Apr 30, 2011 at 07:48:39PM +0200, Andrew Lunn wrote:
> > > You indentation/wrapping is a bit strange. In the function
> > > declaration, i would of put the int tt_num_changes directly under int
> > > buff_pos.
> > 
> > This is what I've done, but it seems that your mail client is messing up
> > with the tabs (I think).
> Possibly. Or the list server. I use mutt, same as you, and it normally
> gets tabs and the like correct.
Yes..then I don't know :)

> > > > +++ b/packet.h
> > > > @@ -30,9 +30,10 @@
> > > >  #define BAT_BCAST        0x04
> > > >  #define BAT_VIS          0x05
> > > >  #define BAT_UNICAST_FRAG 0x06
> > > > +#define BAT_TT_QUERY	 0x07
> > > 
> > > Indentation?
> > 
> > As above, but in this case I think I'll substitute the tab with spaces so
> > that all the BAT_* definitions can be homogeneous
> checkpatch might complain, depending on the number of spaces.

Yep, I'll keep the patch checkpatch-compilant ;)

> > > > +/* TT flags */
> > > > +#define TT_RESPONSE	0x00
> > > > +#define TT_REQUEST	0x01
> > > > +#define TT_FULL_TABLE	0x02
> > > > +
> > > > @@ -101,6 +109,7 @@ struct unicast_packet {
> > > >  	uint8_t  version;  /* batman version field */
> > > >  	uint8_t  dest[6];
> > > >  	uint8_t  ttl;
> > > > +	uint8_t  ttvn; /* destination ttvn */
> > > >  } __packed;
> > > 
> > > What is ttvn? The vn in particular? Is it version? There is already
> > > ver and version used, do we want yet another way to say version?
> > > 
> > 
> > Translation Table Version Number. 'ttvn' is the abbreviation used in the
> > documentation, so I decided to use it as field name. Only in the struct
> > orig_node it is called last_tt_ver_num. Do you think I should use the
> > latter everywhere? 'ttvn' is really nice and compact :)
> It is a minor point. ttvn is O.K. But how about ttver?

Mh..Honestly I like ttvn, but I can put and explicit explanation in the
field declaration in types.h.

I would also like to know what the other people think about

> > > Rather than document the bits, it would be better to reference to the
> > > macros TT_*. Somebody at some time with add new flags, or change the
> > > values and not update this description.
> > 
> > Mh..Honestly I prefer to understand what each bit means in a bitfield
> > flag. What do you mean with reference to the macros? 
> I mean say that flags is a combination of TT_RESPONSE, TT_REQUEST,
> TT_FULL_TABLE. The TT_* macros.


> > > > +	uint16_t tt_data;	/* if tt_request: crc associated with the
> > > > +				 *		   ttvn
> > > > +				 * if tt_response: table_size
> > > > +				 */
> > > 
> > > Maybe a union instead of tt_data being used for two different things?
> > > Makes it less confusing when reading the code.
> > 
> > I decided to avoid a union because here we have two different things
> > which have exactly the same length. So I opted for a "generic" name.
> > What do style experts suggest? :)
> > A union would probably make easier to understand what is going on while
> > reading the code, as Andrew suggested.
> I believe in the saying: Code is written once, read a 100 times, so
> make it easy to read.

> > > > +	/* the ttvn increased by one -> we can apply the attached changes */
> > > > +	if (ttvn - orig_ttvn == 1) {
> > > > +		/* if it does not contain the changes send a tt request */
> > > > +		if (!tt_num_changes)
> > > > +			goto request_table;
> > > 
> > > Why would that happen? It sounds like you are handling a bug, not
> > > something which is designed to happen. 
> > >
> > 
> > We have two cases which would lead to this situation:
> > 1) An OGM, after being sent TT_OGM_APPEND_MAX times, will not contain
> > the changes anymore. If a node missed all the "full" OGMs, it will
> > end up in this situation when receiving the next one.
> > 2) The set of changes is too big to be appended to the OGM (due to the frame
> > maximum size). The receiving node will send a tt_request to recover the
> > changes (later on, it could also exploit the fragmentation, while the
> > OGM cannot)
> O.K. so there is a good reason. So maybe hint about these reasons in
> the comment? Help the reader understand why it might happen.

Ok I can add some comments more. But, should I reason as we do not have
documentation at all? I mean, while deciding to put a comment or not..

Because, in my opinion, this piece of code woule be clearer after reading the

> > Yes, memory problem. Actually it is not possible to make two passes:
> > e.g. imagine that the set of changes is the following:
> > - DEL A
> > - ADD A
> > - DEL A
> > (ok it is probably not really common, but still possible)
> And since it will not happen to often, it is not worth the code so
> find such situations and simply the transactions.

What do you exactly mean? Sorry but I didn't fully understand your
sentence :(

> > Remember that we added the TT_CRC. It was born as conutermeasure to node
> > reboots, but now we are exploiting it as consistency check! This is why
> > the code recomputes the crc after applying every change set. If something
> > went wrong, on the next OGM the node will recognise the problem and ask
> > for a "full table".
> O.K. a clean self recovery. That is good.


> > > > +	if (tt_query->flags & TT_REQUEST) {
> > > > +		/* Try to reply to this tt_request */
> > > > +		ret = send_tt_response(bat_priv, tt_query);
> > > > +		if (ret != NET_RX_SUCCESS) {
> > > 
> > > This looks wrong. The name send_tt_response() suggests we are sending,
> > > but you compare against NET_RX_SUCCESS!
> > 
> > eheh you're nearly right. We are sending a tt_response here, BUT only if we
> > have enough information to send such message we can consider the
> > tt_request as correctly received, otherwise, as the code below suggests,
> > we have to re-route the packet and so let route_unicast_packet() decide
> > whether the mesage was correctly received or not.
> You definitely need a comment here. It is so counter intuitive that
> you are bound to get bug reports and patches by people who see this.

Ok, I'll add a commente here too

> > > > +			bat_dbg(DBG_ROUTES, bat_priv,
> > > > +				"Routing TT_REQUEST to %pM [%c]\n",
> > > > +				tt_query->dst,
> > > > +				(tt_query->flags & TT_FULL_TABLE ? 'F' : '.'));
> > > > +			tt_query->tt_data = htons(tt_query->tt_data);
> > > > +			return route_unicast_packet(skb, recv_if);
> > > > +		}
> > > > +		goto out;
> > > > +	}
> > > > +	/* We need to linearize the packet to access the TT data */
> > > > +	if (skb_linearize(skb) < 0)
> > > > +		goto out;
> > > 
> > > Isn't this too late. You have already accessed tt_query->tt_data in
> > > the code above?
> > > 
> > 
> > the access to the tt_data field is guaranteed by 
> >
> > pskb_may_pull(skb, sizeof(struct tt_query_packet))
> > 
> > (a few lines above inside the function), while here we are linearising the
> > skb to let handle_tt_reponse access the data contained after the header.
> Ah, O.K. The comment is ambiguous and i got the wrong meaning. Maybe
> the comment could be:
> 	/* We need to linearize the packet to access the TT change records */

Oky I'll correct the comment :-)

I understood that I have to work harder to write comments :D
Thank you again!

Andrew Lunn May 1, 2011, 1:10 p.m. UTC | #10
> > O.K. so there is a good reason. So maybe hint about these reasons in
> > the comment? Help the reader understand why it might happen.
> Ok I can add some comments more. But, should I reason as we do not have
> documentation at all? I mean, while deciding to put a comment or not..

If you want to reference to documentation, i think it should be in
kernel documentation. So i would make the documentation part of this
patch set. I.e. include a file Documentation/networking/batman-adv-tt.txt,
and reference it.
> > > Yes, memory problem. Actually it is not possible to make two passes:
> > > e.g. imagine that the set of changes is the following:
> > > - DEL A
> > > - ADD A
> > > - DEL A
> > > (ok it is probably not really common, but still possible)
> > 
> > And since it will not happen to often, it is not worth the code so
> > find such situations and simply the transactions.
> > 
> What do you exactly mean? Sorry but I didn't fully understand your
> sentence :(

You could parse the changes, DEL A, ADD A, DEL A, and optimize it down
to just DEL A. But i guess it is not worth the effort.
> I understood that I have to work harder to write comments :D

That is one approach. I often take another. Lots of very small
functions, with names which make it clear what they do. The function
names replace the comments.

This is no right/wrong, just different styles.

Antonio Quartulli May 3, 2011, 3:50 p.m. UTC | #11
On sab, apr 30, 2011 at 10:42:26 +0200, Andrew Lunn wrote:
> >  	bat_dbg(DBG_BATMAN, bat_priv,
> >  		"Received BATMAN packet via NB: %pM, IF: %s [%pM] "
> > -		"(from OG: %pM, via prev OG: %pM, seqno %d, tq %d, "
> > -		"TTL %d, V %d, IDF %d)\n",
> > +		"(from OG: %pM, via prev OG: %pM, seqno %d, ttvn %u, "
> > +		"crc %u, changes %u, td %d, TTL %d, V %d, IDF %d)\n",
> >  		ethhdr->h_source, if_incoming->net_dev->name,
> >  		if_incoming->net_dev->dev_addr, batman_packet->orig,
> >  		batman_packet->prev_sender, batman_packet->seqno,
> > -		batman_packet->tq, batman_packet->ttl, batman_packet->version,
> > +		batman_packet->tt_ver_num, batman_packet->tt_crc,
> > +		batman_packet->tt_num_changes, batman_packet->tq,
> > +		batman_packet->ttl, batman_packet->version,
> >  		has_directlink_flag);
> I think this is the information bisect uses to look for routing loops
> etc. Do you plan to extend bisect to look for TT problems? Does it
> make sense to add a new DBG_TT which dumps the adds and removes in the
> OGM?

I don't think we really need a new log "channel". Till now all the hna
operations were printed on DBG_ROUTE, so I think we could continue using

The bisect TT extension is not currently planned, but at least it is now
supported :)

Marek Lindner May 3, 2011, 3:56 p.m. UTC | #12
On Tuesday 03 May 2011 17:50:07 Antonio Quartulli wrote:
> > I think this is the information bisect uses to look for routing loops
> > etc. Do you plan to extend bisect to look for TT problems? Does it
> > make sense to add a new DBG_TT which dumps the adds and removes in the
> > OGM?
> >
> >   
> I don't think we really need a new log "channel". Till now all the hna
> operations were printed on DBG_ROUTE, so I think we could continue using
> it..

Actually, I liked Andrew's suggestion. So far the HNA handling did not have 
its own debug "channel" because it was plain simple - nothing much to debug 
there. The advanced handling we are going to add might require debugging in 
the future ...

Even if you don't plan to extend bisect at the moment, extra TT debug info 
would make it easier to add it later on. I'd be surprised if the current 
concept / code "just works". Bugs tend to hide in unexpected places.  ;-)

Antonio Quartulli May 3, 2011, 5:07 p.m. UTC | #13
On Tue, May 03, 2011 at 05:56:45PM +0200, Marek Lindner wrote:
> On Tuesday 03 May 2011 17:50:07 Antonio Quartulli wrote:
> > > I think this is the information bisect uses to look for routing loops
> > > etc. Do you plan to extend bisect to look for TT problems? Does it
> > > make sense to add a new DBG_TT which dumps the adds and removes in the
> > > OGM?
> > >
> > >   
> > 
> > I don't think we really need a new log "channel". Till now all the hna
> > operations were printed on DBG_ROUTE, so I think we could continue using
> > it..
> Actually, I liked Andrew's suggestion. So far the HNA handling did not have 
> its own debug "channel" because it was plain simple - nothing much to debug 
> there. The advanced handling we are going to add might require debugging in 
> the future ...
> Even if you don't plan to extend bisect at the moment, extra TT debug info 
> would make it easier to add it later on. I'd be surprised if the current 
> concept / code "just works". Bugs tend to hide in unexpected places.  ;-)

Definitely :)

At this point I think it is better to introduce this new log "channel":
BAT_TT. I'll redirect all the TT related messages to this new channel.

Thank you



diff --git a/aggregation.c b/aggregation.c
index 9b94590..de59b5f 100644
--- a/aggregation.c
+++ b/aggregation.c
@@ -20,16 +20,11 @@ 
 #include "main.h"
+#include "translation-table.h"
 #include "aggregation.h"
 #include "send.h"
 #include "routing.h"
-/* calculate the size of the tt information for a given packet */
-static int tt_len(struct batman_packet *batman_packet)
-	return batman_packet->num_tt * ETH_ALEN;
 /* return true if new_packet can be aggregated with forw_packet */
 static bool can_aggregate_with(struct batman_packet *new_batman_packet,
 			       int packet_len,
@@ -255,18 +250,20 @@  void receive_aggr_bat_packet(struct ethhdr *ethhdr, unsigned char *packet_buff,
 	batman_packet = (struct batman_packet *)packet_buff;
 	do {
-		/* network to host order for our 32bit seqno, and the
-		   orig_interval. */
+		/* network to host order for our 32bit seqno and the
+		   orig_interval */
 		batman_packet->seqno = ntohl(batman_packet->seqno);
+		batman_packet->tt_crc = ntohs(batman_packet->tt_crc);
 		tt_buff = packet_buff + buff_pos + BAT_PACKET_LEN;
-		receive_bat_packet(ethhdr, batman_packet,
-				   tt_buff, tt_len(batman_packet),
-				   if_incoming);
-		buff_pos += BAT_PACKET_LEN + tt_len(batman_packet);
+		receive_bat_packet(ethhdr, batman_packet, tt_buff, if_incoming);
+		buff_pos += BAT_PACKET_LEN +
+			tt_len(batman_packet->tt_num_changes);
 		batman_packet = (struct batman_packet *)
 			(packet_buff + buff_pos);
 	} while (aggregated_packet(buff_pos, packet_len,
-				   batman_packet->num_tt));
+				   batman_packet->tt_num_changes));
diff --git a/aggregation.h b/aggregation.h
index 7e6d72f..c631a4c 100644
--- a/aggregation.h
+++ b/aggregation.h
@@ -25,9 +25,11 @@ 
 #include "main.h"
 /* is there another aggregated packet here? */
-static inline int aggregated_packet(int buff_pos, int packet_len, int num_tt)
+static inline int aggregated_packet(int buff_pos, int packet_len,
+				    int tt_num_changes)
-	int next_buff_pos = buff_pos + BAT_PACKET_LEN + (num_tt * ETH_ALEN);
+	int next_buff_pos = buff_pos + BAT_PACKET_LEN + (tt_num_changes *
+						sizeof(struct tt_change));
 	return (next_buff_pos <= packet_len) &&
 		(next_buff_pos <= MAX_AGGREGATION_BYTES);
diff --git a/hard-interface.c b/hard-interface.c
index 9e4ac7d..2a7c533 100644
--- a/hard-interface.c
+++ b/hard-interface.c
@@ -156,12 +156,6 @@  static void primary_if_select(struct bat_priv *bat_priv,
-	/***
-	 * hacky trick to make sure that we send the TT information via
-	 * our new primary interface
-	 */
-	atomic_set(&bat_priv->tt_local_changed, 1);
@@ -345,7 +339,8 @@  int hardif_enable_interface(struct hard_iface *hard_iface, char *iface_name)
 	batman_packet->flags = 0;
 	batman_packet->ttl = 2;
 	batman_packet->tq = TQ_MAX_VALUE;
-	batman_packet->num_tt = 0;
+	batman_packet->tt_num_changes = 0;
+	batman_packet->tt_ver_num = 0;
 	hard_iface->if_num = bat_priv->num_ifaces;
@@ -674,6 +669,10 @@  static int batman_skb_recv(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev,
 	case BAT_VIS:
 		ret = recv_vis_packet(skb, hard_iface);
+		/* Translation table query (request or response) */
+	case BAT_TT_QUERY:
+		ret = recv_tt_query(skb, hard_iface);
+		break;
 		ret = NET_RX_DROP;
diff --git a/main.c b/main.c
index 2970908..a84679a 100644
--- a/main.c
+++ b/main.c
@@ -83,6 +83,9 @@  int mesh_init(struct net_device *soft_iface)
+	spin_lock_init(&bat_priv->tt_changes_list_lock);
+	spin_lock_init(&bat_priv->tt_req_list_lock);
+	spin_lock_init(&bat_priv->tt_buff_lock);
@@ -92,14 +95,13 @@  int mesh_init(struct net_device *soft_iface)
+	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&bat_priv->tt_changes_list);
+	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&bat_priv->tt_req_list);
 	if (originator_init(bat_priv) < 1)
 		goto err;
-	if (tt_local_init(bat_priv) < 1)
-		goto err;
-	if (tt_global_init(bat_priv) < 1)
+	if (tt_init(bat_priv) < 1)
 		goto err;
 	tt_local_add(soft_iface, soft_iface->dev_addr);
@@ -133,8 +135,7 @@  void mesh_free(struct net_device *soft_iface)
-	tt_local_free(bat_priv);
-	tt_global_free(bat_priv);
+	tt_free(bat_priv);
diff --git a/main.h b/main.h
index 50eb819..cc1c277 100644
--- a/main.h
+++ b/main.h
@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ 
 #define PURGE_TIMEOUT 200	/* purge originators after time in seconds if no
 				   * valid packet comes in -> TODO: check
 				   * influence on TQ_LOCAL_WINDOW_SIZE */
-#define TT_LOCAL_TIMEOUT 3600 /* in seconds */
+#define TT_LOCAL_TIMEOUT 3600	/* in seconds */
+#define TT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT 3	/* seconds we have to keep pending tt_req */
 #define TQ_LOCAL_WINDOW_SIZE 64	  /* sliding packet range of received originator
 				   * messages in squence numbers (should be a
 				   * multiple of our word size) */
@@ -49,6 +49,12 @@ 
+#define TT_OGM_APPEND_MAX 3 /* number of OGMs sent with the last tt diff */
+/* Transtable operations */
+#define TT_ADD 0
+#define TT_DEL 1
 #define LOG_BUF_LEN 8192	  /* has to be a power of 2 */
diff --git a/originator.c b/originator.c
index 0314875..be7257b 100644
--- a/originator.c
+++ b/originator.c
@@ -147,6 +147,7 @@  static void orig_node_free_rcu(struct rcu_head *rcu)
 	tt_global_del_orig(orig_node->bat_priv, orig_node,
 			    "originator timed out");
+	kfree(orig_node->tt_buff);
@@ -215,6 +216,7 @@  struct orig_node *get_orig_node(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, uint8_t *addr)
+	spin_lock_init(&orig_node->tt_buff_lock);
 	/* extra reference for return */
 	atomic_set(&orig_node->refcount, 2);
@@ -223,6 +225,8 @@  struct orig_node *get_orig_node(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, uint8_t *addr)
 	memcpy(orig_node->orig, addr, ETH_ALEN);
 	orig_node->router = NULL;
 	orig_node->tt_buff = NULL;
+	orig_node->tt_buff_len = 0;
+	atomic_set(&orig_node->tt_size, 0);
 	orig_node->bcast_seqno_reset = jiffies - 1
 					- msecs_to_jiffies(RESET_PROTECTION_MS);
 	orig_node->batman_seqno_reset = jiffies - 1
@@ -332,9 +336,7 @@  static bool purge_orig_node(struct bat_priv *bat_priv,
 		if (purge_orig_neighbors(bat_priv, orig_node,
 							&best_neigh_node)) {
 			update_routes(bat_priv, orig_node,
-				      best_neigh_node,
-				      orig_node->tt_buff,
-				      orig_node->tt_buff_len);
+				      best_neigh_node);
diff --git a/packet.h b/packet.h
index c225c3a..34a2775 100644
--- a/packet.h
+++ b/packet.h
@@ -30,9 +30,10 @@ 
 #define BAT_BCAST        0x04
 #define BAT_VIS          0x05
 #define BAT_UNICAST_FRAG 0x06
+#define BAT_TT_QUERY	 0x07
 /* this file is included by batctl which needs these defines */
-#define COMPAT_VERSION 12
+#define COMPAT_VERSION 14
 #define DIRECTLINK 0x40
 #define VIS_SERVER 0x20
@@ -52,6 +53,11 @@ 
 #define UNI_FRAG_HEAD 0x01
 #define UNI_FRAG_LARGETAIL 0x02
+/* TT flags */
+#define TT_RESPONSE	0x00
+#define TT_REQUEST	0x01
+#define TT_FULL_TABLE	0x02
 struct batman_packet {
 	uint8_t  packet_type;
 	uint8_t  version;  /* batman version field */
@@ -61,7 +67,9 @@  struct batman_packet {
 	uint8_t  orig[6];
 	uint8_t  prev_sender[6];
 	uint8_t  ttl;
-	uint8_t  num_tt;
+	uint8_t  tt_ver_num;
+	uint16_t tt_crc;
+	uint8_t  tt_num_changes;
 	uint8_t  gw_flags;  /* flags related to gateway class */
 	uint8_t  align;
 } __packed;
@@ -101,6 +109,7 @@  struct unicast_packet {
 	uint8_t  version;  /* batman version field */
 	uint8_t  dest[6];
 	uint8_t  ttl;
+	uint8_t  ttvn; /* destination ttvn */
 } __packed;
 struct unicast_frag_packet {
@@ -134,4 +143,25 @@  struct vis_packet {
 	uint8_t  sender_orig[6]; /* who sent or rebroadcasted this packet */
 } __packed;
+struct tt_query_packet {
+	uint8_t  packet_type;
+	uint8_t  version;  /* batman version field */
+	uint8_t  dst[6];
+	uint8_t  ttl;
+	uint8_t  flags;		/* bit0: 0: -> tt_request
+				 *	 1: -> tt_response
+				 * bit1: request the full table
+				 */
+	uint8_t  src[6];
+	uint8_t  ttvn;		/* if tt_request: ttvn that triggered the
+				 *		  request
+				 * if tt_response: new ttvn for the src
+				 * orig_node
+				 */
+	uint16_t tt_data;	/* if tt_request: crc associated with the
+				 *		   ttvn
+				 * if tt_response: table_size
+				 */
+} __packed;
 #endif /* _NET_BATMAN_ADV_PACKET_H_ */
diff --git a/routing.c b/routing.c
index 91b3709..838394b 100644
--- a/routing.c
+++ b/routing.c
@@ -64,28 +64,68 @@  void slide_own_bcast_window(struct hard_iface *hard_iface)
-static void update_TT(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, struct orig_node *orig_node,
-		       unsigned char *tt_buff, int tt_buff_len)
+static void update_transtable(struct bat_priv *bat_priv,
+			      struct orig_node *orig_node,
+			      unsigned char *tt_buff, uint8_t tt_num_changes,
+			      uint8_t ttvn, uint16_t tt_crc)
-	if ((tt_buff_len != orig_node->tt_buff_len) ||
-	    ((tt_buff_len > 0) &&
-	     (orig_node->tt_buff_len > 0) &&
-	     (memcmp(orig_node->tt_buff, tt_buff, tt_buff_len) != 0))) {
-		if (orig_node->tt_buff_len > 0)
-			tt_global_del_orig(bat_priv, orig_node,
-					    "originator changed tt");
-		if ((tt_buff_len > 0) && (tt_buff))
-			tt_global_add_orig(bat_priv, orig_node,
-					    tt_buff, tt_buff_len);
+	struct tt_change *tt_change;
+	int count;
+	uint8_t orig_ttvn = (uint8_t)atomic_read(&orig_node->last_tt_ver_num);
+	/* the ttvn increased by one -> we can apply the attached changes */
+	if (ttvn - orig_ttvn == 1) {
+		/* if it does not contain the changes send a tt request */
+		if (!tt_num_changes)
+			goto request_table;
+		for (count = 0; count < tt_num_changes; count++) {
+			tt_change = (struct tt_change *) tt_buff + count;
+			/* Check for the change op */
+			if (tt_change->op == TT_DEL)
+				tt_global_del(bat_priv, orig_node,
+					      tt_change->addr,
+					      "tt remotely removed");
+			else
+				if (!tt_global_add(bat_priv, orig_node,
+							tt_change->addr,
+							ttvn))
+					/* In case of problem while storing a
+					 * global_entry, we stop the updating
+					 * procedure without committing the
+					 * ttvn change. This will avoid to send
+					 * corrupted data on tt_request
+					 */
+					return;
+		}
+		/* Let's save the buffer (if any) */
+		tt_save_orig_buffer(bat_priv, orig_node,
+				    tt_buff, tt_num_changes);
+		atomic_set(&orig_node->last_tt_ver_num, ttvn);
+		/* Even if we received the crc into the OGM, we prefer
+		 * to recompute it to spot any possible inconsistency
+		 * in the global table */
+		orig_node->tt_crc = tt_global_crc(bat_priv, orig_node);
+	} else {
+		/* if we missed more than one change or our tables are not
+		 * in sync anymore -> request fresh tt data */
+		if (ttvn != orig_ttvn || orig_node->tt_crc != tt_crc) {
+			bat_dbg(DBG_ROUTES, bat_priv, "TT changes missing "
+				"for %pM. Need to retrieve last OGM buffer\n",
+				orig_node->orig);
+			send_tt_request(bat_priv, orig_node, ttvn, tt_crc,
+					true);
+			return;
+		}
 static void update_route(struct bat_priv *bat_priv,
 			 struct orig_node *orig_node,
-			 struct neigh_node *neigh_node,
-			 unsigned char *tt_buff, int tt_buff_len)
+			 struct neigh_node *neigh_node)
 	struct neigh_node *curr_router;
@@ -93,7 +133,6 @@  static void update_route(struct bat_priv *bat_priv,
 	/* route deleted */
 	if ((curr_router) && (!neigh_node)) {
 		bat_dbg(DBG_ROUTES, bat_priv, "Deleting route towards: %pM\n",
 		tt_global_del_orig(bat_priv, orig_node,
@@ -105,9 +144,6 @@  static void update_route(struct bat_priv *bat_priv,
 		bat_dbg(DBG_ROUTES, bat_priv,
 			"Adding route towards: %pM (via %pM)\n",
 			orig_node->orig, neigh_node->addr);
-		tt_global_add_orig(bat_priv, orig_node,
-				    tt_buff, tt_buff_len);
 	/* route changed */
 	} else {
 		bat_dbg(DBG_ROUTES, bat_priv,
@@ -135,8 +171,7 @@  static void update_route(struct bat_priv *bat_priv,
 void update_routes(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, struct orig_node *orig_node,
-		   struct neigh_node *neigh_node, unsigned char *tt_buff,
-		   int tt_buff_len)
+		   struct neigh_node *neigh_node)
 	struct neigh_node *router = NULL;
@@ -146,11 +181,7 @@  void update_routes(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, struct orig_node *orig_node,
 	router = orig_node_get_router(orig_node);
 	if (router != neigh_node)
-		update_route(bat_priv, orig_node, neigh_node,
-			     tt_buff, tt_buff_len);
-	/* may be just TT changed */
-	else
-		update_TT(bat_priv, orig_node, tt_buff, tt_buff_len);
+		update_route(bat_priv, orig_node, neigh_node);
 	if (router)
@@ -387,14 +418,12 @@  static void update_orig(struct bat_priv *bat_priv,
 			struct ethhdr *ethhdr,
 			struct batman_packet *batman_packet,
 			struct hard_iface *if_incoming,
-			unsigned char *tt_buff, int tt_buff_len,
-			char is_duplicate)
+			unsigned char *tt_buff, char is_duplicate)
 	struct neigh_node *neigh_node = NULL, *tmp_neigh_node = NULL;
 	struct neigh_node *router = NULL;
 	struct orig_node *orig_node_tmp;
 	struct hlist_node *node;
-	int tmp_tt_buff_len;
 	uint8_t bcast_own_sum_orig, bcast_own_sum_neigh;
 	bat_dbg(DBG_BATMAN, bat_priv, "update_originator(): "
@@ -459,9 +488,6 @@  static void update_orig(struct bat_priv *bat_priv,
 	bonding_candidate_add(orig_node, neigh_node);
-	tmp_tt_buff_len = (tt_buff_len > batman_packet->num_tt * ETH_ALEN ?
-			    batman_packet->num_tt * ETH_ALEN : tt_buff_len);
 	/* if this neighbor already is our next hop there is nothing
 	 * to change */
 	router = orig_node_get_router(orig_node);
@@ -491,15 +517,19 @@  static void update_orig(struct bat_priv *bat_priv,
 			goto update_tt;
-	update_routes(bat_priv, orig_node, neigh_node,
-		      tt_buff, tmp_tt_buff_len);
-	goto update_gw;
+	update_routes(bat_priv, orig_node, neigh_node);
-	update_routes(bat_priv, orig_node, router,
-		      tt_buff, tmp_tt_buff_len);
+	/* I have to check for transtable changes only if the OGM has been
+	 * sent through a primary interface */
+	if (((batman_packet->orig != ethhdr->h_source) &&
+				(batman_packet->ttl > 2)) ||
+				(batman_packet->flags & PRIMARIES_FIRST_HOP))
+		update_transtable(bat_priv, orig_node, tt_buff,
+				  batman_packet->tt_num_changes,
+				  batman_packet->tt_ver_num,
+				  batman_packet->tt_crc);
 	if (orig_node->gw_flags != batman_packet->gw_flags)
 		gw_node_update(bat_priv, orig_node, batman_packet->gw_flags);
@@ -621,7 +651,7 @@  out:
 void receive_bat_packet(struct ethhdr *ethhdr,
 			struct batman_packet *batman_packet,
-			unsigned char *tt_buff, int tt_buff_len,
+			unsigned char *tt_buff,
 			struct hard_iface *if_incoming)
 	struct bat_priv *bat_priv = netdev_priv(if_incoming->soft_iface);
@@ -660,12 +690,14 @@  void receive_bat_packet(struct ethhdr *ethhdr,
 	bat_dbg(DBG_BATMAN, bat_priv,
 		"Received BATMAN packet via NB: %pM, IF: %s [%pM] "
-		"(from OG: %pM, via prev OG: %pM, seqno %d, tq %d, "
-		"TTL %d, V %d, IDF %d)\n",
+		"(from OG: %pM, via prev OG: %pM, seqno %d, ttvn %u, "
+		"crc %u, changes %u, td %d, TTL %d, V %d, IDF %d)\n",
 		ethhdr->h_source, if_incoming->net_dev->name,
 		if_incoming->net_dev->dev_addr, batman_packet->orig,
 		batman_packet->prev_sender, batman_packet->seqno,
-		batman_packet->tq, batman_packet->ttl, batman_packet->version,
+		batman_packet->tt_ver_num, batman_packet->tt_crc,
+		batman_packet->tt_num_changes, batman_packet->tq,
+		batman_packet->ttl, batman_packet->version,
@@ -818,14 +850,14 @@  void receive_bat_packet(struct ethhdr *ethhdr,
 	     ((orig_node->last_real_seqno == batman_packet->seqno) &&
 	      (orig_node->last_ttl - 3 <= batman_packet->ttl))))
 		update_orig(bat_priv, orig_node, ethhdr, batman_packet,
-			    if_incoming, tt_buff, tt_buff_len, is_duplicate);
+			    if_incoming, tt_buff, is_duplicate);
 	/* is single hop (direct) neighbor */
 	if (is_single_hop_neigh) {
 		/* mark direct link on incoming interface */
 		schedule_forward_packet(orig_node, ethhdr, batman_packet,
-					1, tt_buff_len, if_incoming);
+					1, if_incoming);
 		bat_dbg(DBG_BATMAN, bat_priv, "Forwarding packet: "
 			"rebroadcast neighbor packet with direct link flag\n");
@@ -848,7 +880,7 @@  void receive_bat_packet(struct ethhdr *ethhdr,
 	bat_dbg(DBG_BATMAN, bat_priv,
 		"Forwarding packet: rebroadcast originator packet\n");
 	schedule_forward_packet(orig_node, ethhdr, batman_packet,
-				0, tt_buff_len, if_incoming);
+				0, if_incoming);
 	if ((orig_neigh_node) && (!is_single_hop_neigh))
@@ -1195,6 +1227,69 @@  static struct neigh_node *find_ifalter_router(struct orig_node *primary_orig,
 	return router;
+int recv_tt_query(struct sk_buff *skb, struct hard_iface *recv_if)
+	struct bat_priv *bat_priv = netdev_priv(recv_if->soft_iface);
+	struct tt_query_packet *tt_query;
+	struct ethhdr *ethhdr;
+	int ret = NET_RX_DROP;
+	/* drop packet if it has not necessary minimum size */
+	if (unlikely(!pskb_may_pull(skb, sizeof(struct tt_query_packet))))
+		goto out;
+	/* I could need to modify it */
+	if (skb_cow(skb, sizeof(struct tt_query_packet)) < 0)
+		goto out;
+	ethhdr = (struct ethhdr *)skb_mac_header(skb);
+	/* packet with unicast indication but broadcast recipient */
+	if (is_broadcast_ether_addr(ethhdr->h_dest))
+		goto out;
+	/* packet with broadcast sender address */
+	if (is_broadcast_ether_addr(ethhdr->h_source))
+		goto out;
+	tt_query = (struct tt_query_packet *)skb->data;
+	tt_query->tt_data = ntohs(tt_query->tt_data);
+	if (tt_query->flags & TT_REQUEST) {
+		/* Try to reply to this tt_request */
+		ret = send_tt_response(bat_priv, tt_query);
+		if (ret != NET_RX_SUCCESS) {
+			bat_dbg(DBG_ROUTES, bat_priv,
+				"Routing TT_REQUEST to %pM [%c]\n",
+				tt_query->dst,
+				(tt_query->flags & TT_FULL_TABLE ? 'F' : '.'));
+			tt_query->tt_data = htons(tt_query->tt_data);
+			return route_unicast_packet(skb, recv_if);
+		}
+		goto out;
+	}
+	/* We need to linearize the packet to access the TT data */
+	if (skb_linearize(skb) < 0)
+		goto out;
+	if (is_my_mac(tt_query->dst))
+		handle_tt_response(bat_priv, tt_query);
+	else {
+		bat_dbg(DBG_ROUTES, bat_priv,
+			"Routing TT_RESPONSE to %pM [%c]\n",
+			tt_query->dst,
+			(tt_query->flags & TT_FULL_TABLE ? 'F' : '.'));
+		tt_query->tt_data = htons(tt_query->tt_data);
+		return route_unicast_packet(skb, recv_if);
+	}
+	kfree_skb(skb);
+	return ret;
 /* find a suitable router for this originator, and use
  * bonding if possible. increases the found neighbors
  * refcount.*/
@@ -1376,14 +1471,64 @@  out:
 int recv_unicast_packet(struct sk_buff *skb, struct hard_iface *recv_if)
+	struct bat_priv *bat_priv = netdev_priv(recv_if->soft_iface);
 	struct unicast_packet *unicast_packet;
 	int hdr_size = sizeof(struct unicast_packet);
+	struct orig_node *orig_node;
+	struct ethhdr *ethhdr;
+	uint8_t curr_ttvn;
+	int16_t diff;
 	if (check_unicast_packet(skb, hdr_size) < 0)
 		return NET_RX_DROP;
 	unicast_packet = (struct unicast_packet *)skb->data;
+	if (is_my_mac(unicast_packet->dest))
+		curr_ttvn = (uint8_t)atomic_read(&bat_priv->tt_ver_num);
+	else {
+		orig_node = orig_hash_find(bat_priv, unicast_packet->dest);
+		if (!orig_node)
+			return NET_RX_DROP;
+		curr_ttvn = (uint8_t)atomic_read(&orig_node->last_tt_ver_num);
+		orig_node_free_ref(orig_node);
+	}
+	diff = unicast_packet->ttvn - curr_ttvn;
+	/* Check whether I have to reroute the packet */
+	if (unicast_packet->packet_type == BAT_UNICAST &&
+	    (diff < 0 && diff > -0xff/2)) {
+		/* Linearize the skb before accessing it */
+		if (skb_linearize(skb) < 0)
+			return NET_RX_DROP;
+		ethhdr = (struct ethhdr *)(skb->data +
+			sizeof(struct unicast_packet));
+		orig_node = transtable_search(bat_priv, ethhdr->h_dest);
+		if (!orig_node) {
+			if (!is_my_client(bat_priv, ethhdr->h_dest))
+				return NET_RX_DROP;
+			memcpy(unicast_packet->dest,
+			       bat_priv->primary_if->net_dev->dev_addr,
+			       ETH_ALEN);
+		} else {
+			memcpy(unicast_packet->dest, orig_node->orig,
+			       ETH_ALEN);
+			curr_ttvn = (uint8_t)
+				atomic_read(&orig_node->last_tt_ver_num);
+			orig_node_free_ref(orig_node);
+		}
+		unicast_packet->ttvn = curr_ttvn;
+		bat_dbg(DBG_ROUTES, bat_priv, "HVN mismatch! "
+			"Rerouting unicast packet (for %pM) to %pM\n",
+			ethhdr->h_dest, unicast_packet->dest);
+	}
 	/* packet for me */
 	if (is_my_mac(unicast_packet->dest)) {
 		interface_rx(recv_if->soft_iface, skb, recv_if, hdr_size);
diff --git a/routing.h b/routing.h
index 870f298..6f6a5f8 100644
--- a/routing.h
+++ b/routing.h
@@ -24,12 +24,11 @@ 
 void slide_own_bcast_window(struct hard_iface *hard_iface);
 void receive_bat_packet(struct ethhdr *ethhdr,
-				struct batman_packet *batman_packet,
-				unsigned char *tt_buff, int tt_buff_len,
-				struct hard_iface *if_incoming);
+			struct batman_packet *batman_packet,
+			unsigned char *tt_buff,
+			struct hard_iface *if_incoming);
 void update_routes(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, struct orig_node *orig_node,
-		   struct neigh_node *neigh_node, unsigned char *tt_buff,
-		   int tt_buff_len);
+		   struct neigh_node *neigh_node);
 int route_unicast_packet(struct sk_buff *skb, struct hard_iface *recv_if);
 int recv_icmp_packet(struct sk_buff *skb, struct hard_iface *recv_if);
 int recv_unicast_packet(struct sk_buff *skb, struct hard_iface *recv_if);
@@ -37,6 +36,7 @@  int recv_ucast_frag_packet(struct sk_buff *skb, struct hard_iface *recv_if);
 int recv_bcast_packet(struct sk_buff *skb, struct hard_iface *recv_if);
 int recv_vis_packet(struct sk_buff *skb, struct hard_iface *recv_if);
 int recv_bat_packet(struct sk_buff *skb, struct hard_iface *recv_if);
+int recv_tt_query(struct sk_buff *skb, struct hard_iface *recv_if);
 struct neigh_node *find_router(struct bat_priv *bat_priv,
 			       struct orig_node *orig_node,
 			       struct hard_iface *recv_if);
diff --git a/send.c b/send.c
index f30d0c6..f85913e 100644
--- a/send.c
+++ b/send.c
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@  static void send_packet_to_if(struct forw_packet *forw_packet,
 	/* adjust all flags and log packets */
 	while (aggregated_packet(buff_pos,
-				 batman_packet->num_tt)) {
+				 batman_packet->tt_num_changes)) {
 		/* we might have aggregated direct link packets with an
 		 * ordinary base packet */
@@ -136,17 +136,18 @@  static void send_packet_to_if(struct forw_packet *forw_packet,
 		bat_dbg(DBG_BATMAN, bat_priv,
 			"%s %spacket (originator %pM, seqno %d, TQ %d, TTL %d,"
-			" IDF %s) on interface %s [%pM]\n",
+			" IDF %s, hvn %d) on interface %s [%pM]\n",
 			fwd_str, (packet_num > 0 ? "aggregated " : ""),
 			batman_packet->orig, ntohl(batman_packet->seqno),
 			batman_packet->tq, batman_packet->ttl,
 			(batman_packet->flags & DIRECTLINK ?
 			 "on" : "off"),
+			batman_packet->tt_ver_num,
-			hard_iface->net_dev->dev_addr);
+				hard_iface->net_dev->dev_addr);
 		buff_pos += sizeof(struct batman_packet) +
-			(batman_packet->num_tt * ETH_ALEN);
+			tt_len(batman_packet->tt_num_changes);
 		batman_packet = (struct batman_packet *)
 			(forw_packet->skb->data + buff_pos);
@@ -214,26 +215,17 @@  static void send_packet(struct forw_packet *forw_packet)
-static void rebuild_batman_packet(struct bat_priv *bat_priv,
-				  struct hard_iface *hard_iface)
+static void realloc_packet_buffer(struct hard_iface *hard_iface,
+				int new_len)
-	int new_len;
 	unsigned char *new_buff;
-	struct batman_packet *batman_packet;
-	new_len = sizeof(struct batman_packet) +
-			(bat_priv->num_local_tt * ETH_ALEN);
 	new_buff = kmalloc(new_len, GFP_ATOMIC);
 	/* keep old buffer if kmalloc should fail */
 	if (new_buff) {
 		memcpy(new_buff, hard_iface->packet_buff,
 		       sizeof(struct batman_packet));
-		batman_packet = (struct batman_packet *)new_buff;
-		batman_packet->num_tt = tt_local_fill_buffer(bat_priv,
-				new_buff + sizeof(struct batman_packet),
-				new_len - sizeof(struct batman_packet));
 		hard_iface->packet_buff = new_buff;
@@ -241,6 +233,45 @@  static void rebuild_batman_packet(struct bat_priv *bat_priv,
+static void prepare_packet_buffer(struct bat_priv *bat_priv,
+				  struct hard_iface *hard_iface)
+	int new_len;
+	struct batman_packet *batman_packet;
+	new_len = BAT_PACKET_LEN +
+		  tt_len((uint8_t)atomic_read(&bat_priv->tt_local_changes));
+	/* if we have too many changes for one packet don't send any
+	 * and wait for the tt table request which will be fragmented */
+	if (new_len > bat_priv->primary_if->soft_iface->mtu)
+		new_len = BAT_PACKET_LEN;
+	realloc_packet_buffer(hard_iface, new_len);
+	batman_packet = (struct batman_packet *)hard_iface->packet_buff;
+	atomic_set(&bat_priv->tt_crc, tt_local_crc(bat_priv));
+	/* reset the sending counter */
+	atomic_set(&bat_priv->tt_ogm_append_cnt, TT_OGM_APPEND_MAX);
+	batman_packet->tt_num_changes = tt_changes_fill_buffer(bat_priv,
+				hard_iface->packet_buff + BAT_PACKET_LEN,
+				hard_iface->packet_len - BAT_PACKET_LEN);
+static void reset_packet_buffer(struct bat_priv *bat_priv,
+	struct hard_iface *hard_iface)
+	struct batman_packet *batman_packet;
+	realloc_packet_buffer(hard_iface, BAT_PACKET_LEN);
+	batman_packet = (struct batman_packet *)hard_iface->packet_buff;
+	batman_packet->tt_num_changes = 0;
 void schedule_own_packet(struct hard_iface *hard_iface)
 	struct bat_priv *bat_priv = netdev_priv(hard_iface->soft_iface);
@@ -266,14 +297,22 @@  void schedule_own_packet(struct hard_iface *hard_iface)
 	if (hard_iface->if_status == IF_TO_BE_ACTIVATED)
 		hard_iface->if_status = IF_ACTIVE;
-	/* if local tt has changed and interface is a primary interface */
-	if ((atomic_read(&bat_priv->tt_local_changed)) &&
-	    (hard_iface == primary_if))
-		rebuild_batman_packet(bat_priv, hard_iface);
+	if (hard_iface == primary_if) {
+		/* if at least one change happened */
+		if (atomic_read(&bat_priv->tt_local_changes) > 0) {
+			prepare_packet_buffer(bat_priv, hard_iface);
+			/* Increment the TTVN only once per OGM interval */
+			atomic_inc(&bat_priv->tt_ver_num);
+		}
+		/* if the changes have been sent enough times */
+		if (!atomic_dec_not_zero(&bat_priv->tt_ogm_append_cnt))
+			reset_packet_buffer(bat_priv, hard_iface);
+	}
 	 * NOTE: packet_buff might just have been re-allocated in
-	 * rebuild_batman_packet()
+	 * prepare_packet_buffer() or in reset_packet_buffer()
 	batman_packet = (struct batman_packet *)hard_iface->packet_buff;
@@ -281,6 +320,9 @@  void schedule_own_packet(struct hard_iface *hard_iface)
 	batman_packet->seqno =
+	batman_packet->tt_ver_num = atomic_read(&bat_priv->tt_ver_num);
+	batman_packet->tt_crc = htons((uint16_t)atomic_read(&bat_priv->tt_crc));
 	if (vis_server == VIS_TYPE_SERVER_SYNC)
 		batman_packet->flags |= VIS_SERVER;
@@ -309,13 +351,14 @@  void schedule_own_packet(struct hard_iface *hard_iface)
 void schedule_forward_packet(struct orig_node *orig_node,
 			     struct ethhdr *ethhdr,
 			     struct batman_packet *batman_packet,
-			     uint8_t directlink, int tt_buff_len,
+			     uint8_t directlink,
 			     struct hard_iface *if_incoming)
 	struct bat_priv *bat_priv = netdev_priv(if_incoming->soft_iface);
 	struct neigh_node *router;
 	unsigned char in_tq, in_ttl, tq_avg = 0;
 	unsigned long send_time;
+	uint8_t tt_num_changes;
 	if (batman_packet->ttl <= 1) {
 		bat_dbg(DBG_BATMAN, bat_priv, "ttl exceeded\n");
@@ -326,6 +369,7 @@  void schedule_forward_packet(struct orig_node *orig_node,
 	in_tq = batman_packet->tq;
 	in_ttl = batman_packet->ttl;
+	tt_num_changes = batman_packet->tt_num_changes;
 	memcpy(batman_packet->prev_sender, ethhdr->h_source, ETH_ALEN);
@@ -358,6 +402,7 @@  void schedule_forward_packet(struct orig_node *orig_node,
 	batman_packet->seqno = htonl(batman_packet->seqno);
+	batman_packet->tt_crc = htons(batman_packet->tt_crc);
 	/* switch of primaries first hop flag when forwarding */
 	batman_packet->flags &= ~PRIMARIES_FIRST_HOP;
@@ -369,7 +414,8 @@  void schedule_forward_packet(struct orig_node *orig_node,
 	send_time = forward_send_time();
 			       (unsigned char *)batman_packet,
-			       sizeof(struct batman_packet) + tt_buff_len,
+			       sizeof(struct batman_packet) +
+			       tt_len(tt_num_changes),
 			       if_incoming, 0, send_time);
diff --git a/send.h b/send.h
index 247172d..842f4d1 100644
--- a/send.h
+++ b/send.h
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@  void schedule_own_packet(struct hard_iface *hard_iface);
 void schedule_forward_packet(struct orig_node *orig_node,
 			     struct ethhdr *ethhdr,
 			     struct batman_packet *batman_packet,
-			     uint8_t directlink, int tt_buff_len,
+			     uint8_t directlink,
 			     struct hard_iface *if_outgoing);
 int add_bcast_packet_to_list(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, struct sk_buff *skb);
 void send_outstanding_bat_packet(struct work_struct *work);
diff --git a/soft-interface.c b/soft-interface.c
index 89a940a..fedb1ed 100644
--- a/soft-interface.c
+++ b/soft-interface.c
@@ -366,7 +366,7 @@  static int interface_set_mac_addr(struct net_device *dev, void *p)
 	/* only modify tt-table if it has been initialised before */
 	if (atomic_read(&bat_priv->mesh_state) == MESH_ACTIVE) {
 		tt_local_remove(bat_priv, dev->dev_addr,
-				 "mac address changed");
+				"mac address changed");
 		tt_local_add(dev, addr->sa_data);
@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@  int interface_tx(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *soft_iface)
 	if ((curr_softif_neigh) && (curr_softif_neigh->vid == vid))
 		goto dropped;
-	/* TODO: check this for locks */
+	/* Register the client MAC in the transtable */
 	tt_local_add(soft_iface, ethhdr->h_source);
 	if (is_multicast_ether_addr(ethhdr->h_dest)) {
@@ -663,7 +663,12 @@  struct net_device *softif_create(char *name)
 	atomic_set(&bat_priv->mesh_state, MESH_INACTIVE);
 	atomic_set(&bat_priv->bcast_seqno, 1);
-	atomic_set(&bat_priv->tt_local_changed, 0);
+	atomic_set(&bat_priv->tt_ver_num, 0);
+	atomic_set(&bat_priv->tt_local_changes, 0);
+	atomic_set(&bat_priv->tt_ogm_append_cnt, 0);
+	bat_priv->tt_buff = NULL;
+	bat_priv->tt_buff_len = 0;
 	bat_priv->primary_if = NULL;
 	bat_priv->num_ifaces = 0;
diff --git a/translation-table.c b/translation-table.c
index 25e6939..d55eeb5 100644
--- a/translation-table.c
+++ b/translation-table.c
@@ -23,13 +23,17 @@ 
 #include "translation-table.h"
 #include "soft-interface.h"
 #include "hard-interface.h"
+#include "send.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "originator.h"
+#include "routing.h"
-static void tt_local_purge(struct work_struct *work);
-static void _tt_global_del_orig(struct bat_priv *bat_priv,
-				 struct tt_global_entry *tt_global_entry,
-				 char *message);
+#include <linux/crc16.h>
+static void _tt_global_del(struct bat_priv *bat_priv,
+			   struct tt_global_entry *tt_global_entry,
+			   char *message);
+static void tt_purge(struct work_struct *work);
 /* returns 1 if they are the same mac addr */
 static int compare_ltt(struct hlist_node *node, void *data2)
@@ -47,14 +51,15 @@  static int compare_gtt(struct hlist_node *node, void *data2)
 	return (memcmp(data1, data2, ETH_ALEN) == 0 ? 1 : 0);
-static void tt_local_start_timer(struct bat_priv *bat_priv)
+static void tt_start_timer(struct bat_priv *bat_priv)
-	INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&bat_priv->tt_work, tt_local_purge);
-	queue_delayed_work(bat_event_workqueue, &bat_priv->tt_work, 10 * HZ);
+	INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&bat_priv->tt_work, tt_purge);
+	queue_delayed_work(bat_event_workqueue, &bat_priv->tt_work,
+			   msecs_to_jiffies(5000));
 static struct tt_local_entry *tt_local_hash_find(struct bat_priv *bat_priv,
-						   void *data)
+						 void *data)
 	struct hashtable_t *hash = bat_priv->tt_local_hash;
 	struct hlist_head *head;
@@ -82,7 +87,7 @@  static struct tt_local_entry *tt_local_hash_find(struct bat_priv *bat_priv,
 static struct tt_global_entry *tt_global_hash_find(struct bat_priv *bat_priv,
-						     void *data)
+						   void *data)
 	struct hashtable_t *hash = bat_priv->tt_global_hash;
 	struct hlist_head *head;
@@ -110,7 +115,42 @@  static struct tt_global_entry *tt_global_hash_find(struct bat_priv *bat_priv,
 	return tt_global_entry_tmp;
-int tt_local_init(struct bat_priv *bat_priv)
+static bool is_out_of_time(unsigned long starting_time, unsigned long timeout)
+	unsigned long deadline;
+	deadline = starting_time + msecs_to_jiffies(timeout);
+	return time_after(jiffies, deadline);
+static void tt_local_event(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, uint8_t op, uint8_t *addr)
+	struct tt_change_node *tt_change_node;
+	tt_change_node = (struct tt_change_node *)
+		kmalloc(sizeof(struct tt_change_node), GFP_ATOMIC);
+	if (!tt_change_node)
+		return;
+	tt_change_node->change.op = op;
+	memcpy(tt_change_node->change.addr, addr, ETH_ALEN);
+	spin_lock_bh(&bat_priv->tt_changes_list_lock);
+	/* track the change in the OGMinterval list */
+	list_add_tail(&tt_change_node->list, &bat_priv->tt_changes_list);
+	atomic_inc(&bat_priv->tt_local_changes);
+	spin_unlock_bh(&bat_priv->tt_changes_list_lock);
+	atomic_set(&bat_priv->tt_ogm_append_cnt, 0);
+int tt_len(int changes_num)
+	return changes_num * sizeof(struct tt_change);
+static int tt_local_init(struct bat_priv *bat_priv)
 	if (bat_priv->tt_local_hash)
 		return 1;
@@ -120,9 +160,6 @@  int tt_local_init(struct bat_priv *bat_priv)
 	if (!bat_priv->tt_local_hash)
 		return 0;
-	atomic_set(&bat_priv->tt_local_changed, 0);
-	tt_local_start_timer(bat_priv);
 	return 1;
@@ -131,40 +168,24 @@  void tt_local_add(struct net_device *soft_iface, uint8_t *addr)
 	struct bat_priv *bat_priv = netdev_priv(soft_iface);
 	struct tt_local_entry *tt_local_entry;
 	struct tt_global_entry *tt_global_entry;
-	int required_bytes;
 	tt_local_entry = tt_local_hash_find(bat_priv, addr);
-	spin_unlock_bh(&bat_priv->tt_lhash_lock);
 	if (tt_local_entry) {
 		tt_local_entry->last_seen = jiffies;
-		return;
+		goto unlock;
-	/* only announce as many hosts as possible in the batman-packet and
-	   space in batman_packet->num_tt That also should give a limit to
-	   MAC-flooding. */
-	required_bytes = (bat_priv->num_local_tt + 1) * ETH_ALEN;
-	required_bytes += BAT_PACKET_LEN;
-	if ((required_bytes > ETH_DATA_LEN) ||
-	    (atomic_read(&bat_priv->aggregated_ogms) &&
-	     required_bytes > MAX_AGGREGATION_BYTES) ||
-	    (bat_priv->num_local_tt + 1 > 255)) {
-		bat_dbg(DBG_ROUTES, bat_priv,
-			"Can't add new local tt entry (%pM): "
-			"number of local tt entries exceeds packet size\n",
-			addr);
-		return;
-	}
-	bat_dbg(DBG_ROUTES, bat_priv,
-		"Creating new local tt entry: %pM\n", addr);
 	tt_local_entry = kmalloc(sizeof(struct tt_local_entry), GFP_ATOMIC);
 	if (!tt_local_entry)
-		return;
+		goto unlock;
+	tt_local_event(bat_priv, TT_ADD, addr);
+	bat_dbg(DBG_ROUTES, bat_priv,
+		"Creating new local tt entry: %pM (ttvn: %d\n", addr,
+		(uint8_t)atomic_read(&bat_priv->tt_ver_num));
 	memcpy(tt_local_entry->addr, addr, ETH_ALEN);
 	tt_local_entry->last_seen = jiffies;
@@ -175,13 +196,9 @@  void tt_local_add(struct net_device *soft_iface, uint8_t *addr)
 		tt_local_entry->never_purge = 0;
-	spin_lock_bh(&bat_priv->tt_lhash_lock);
 	hash_add(bat_priv->tt_local_hash, compare_ltt, choose_orig,
 		 tt_local_entry, &tt_local_entry->hash_entry);
-	bat_priv->num_local_tt++;
-	atomic_set(&bat_priv->tt_local_changed, 1);
+	atomic_inc(&bat_priv->num_local_tt);
 	/* remove address from global hash if present */
@@ -190,46 +207,60 @@  void tt_local_add(struct net_device *soft_iface, uint8_t *addr)
 	tt_global_entry = tt_global_hash_find(bat_priv, addr);
 	if (tt_global_entry)
-		_tt_global_del_orig(bat_priv, tt_global_entry,
-				     "local tt received");
+		_tt_global_del(bat_priv, tt_global_entry,
+			       "local tt received");
+	spin_unlock_bh(&bat_priv->tt_lhash_lock);
-int tt_local_fill_buffer(struct bat_priv *bat_priv,
-			  unsigned char *buff, int buff_len)
+int tt_changes_fill_buffer(struct bat_priv *bat_priv,
+			   unsigned char *buff, int buff_len)
-	struct hashtable_t *hash = bat_priv->tt_local_hash;
-	struct tt_local_entry *tt_local_entry;
-	struct hlist_node *node;
-	struct hlist_head *head;
-	int i, count = 0;
+	int count = 0, tot_changes = 0;
+	struct tt_change_node *entry, *safe;
-	spin_lock_bh(&bat_priv->tt_lhash_lock);
+	if (buff_len > 0)
+		tot_changes = buff_len / tt_len(1);
-	for (i = 0; i < hash->size; i++) {
-		head = &hash->table[i];
-		rcu_read_lock();
-		hlist_for_each_entry_rcu(tt_local_entry, node,
-					 head, hash_entry) {
-			if (buff_len < (count + 1) * ETH_ALEN)
-				break;
-			memcpy(buff + (count * ETH_ALEN), tt_local_entry->addr,
-			       ETH_ALEN);
+	spin_lock_bh(&bat_priv->tt_changes_list_lock);
+	atomic_set(&bat_priv->tt_local_changes, 0);
+	list_for_each_entry_safe(entry, safe, &bat_priv->tt_changes_list,
+			list) {
+		if (count < tot_changes) {
+			memcpy(buff + tt_len(count),
+			       &entry->change, sizeof(struct tt_change));
-		rcu_read_unlock();
+		list_del(&entry->list);
+		kfree(entry);
+	spin_unlock_bh(&bat_priv->tt_changes_list_lock);
-	/* if we did not get all new local tts see you next time  ;-) */
-	if (count == bat_priv->num_local_tt)
-		atomic_set(&bat_priv->tt_local_changed, 0);
+	/* Keep the buffer for possible tt_request */
+	spin_lock_bh(&bat_priv->tt_buff_lock);
+	kfree(bat_priv->tt_buff);
+	bat_priv->tt_buff_len = 0;
+	bat_priv->tt_buff = NULL;
+	/* We check whether this new OGM has no changes due to size
+	 * problems */
+	if (buff_len > 0) {
+		/**
+		 * if kmalloc() fails we will reply with the full table
+		 * instead of providing the diff
+		 */
+		bat_priv->tt_buff = kmalloc(buff_len, GFP_ATOMIC);
+		if (bat_priv->tt_buff) {
+			memcpy(bat_priv->tt_buff, buff, buff_len);
+			bat_priv->tt_buff_len = buff_len;
+		}
+	}
+	spin_unlock_bh(&bat_priv->tt_buff_lock);
-	spin_unlock_bh(&bat_priv->tt_lhash_lock);
-	return count;
+	return tot_changes;
 int tt_local_seq_print_text(struct seq_file *seq, void *offset)
@@ -261,8 +292,8 @@  int tt_local_seq_print_text(struct seq_file *seq, void *offset)
 	seq_printf(seq, "Locally retrieved addresses (from %s) "
-		   "announced via TT:\n",
-		   net_dev->name);
+		   "announced via TT (TTVN: %u):\n",
+		   net_dev->name, (uint8_t)atomic_read(&bat_priv->tt_ver_num));
@@ -309,54 +340,50 @@  out:
 	return ret;
-static void _tt_local_del(struct hlist_node *node, void *arg)
+static void tt_local_entry_free(struct hlist_node *node, void *arg)
 	struct bat_priv *bat_priv = (struct bat_priv *)arg;
 	void *data = container_of(node, struct tt_local_entry, hash_entry);
-	bat_priv->num_local_tt--;
-	atomic_set(&bat_priv->tt_local_changed, 1);
+	atomic_dec(&bat_priv->num_local_tt);
 static void tt_local_del(struct bat_priv *bat_priv,
-			  struct tt_local_entry *tt_local_entry,
-			  char *message)
+			 struct tt_local_entry *tt_local_entry,
+			 char *message)
 	bat_dbg(DBG_ROUTES, bat_priv, "Deleting local tt entry (%pM): %s\n",
 		tt_local_entry->addr, message);
+	atomic_dec(&bat_priv->num_local_tt);
 	hash_remove(bat_priv->tt_local_hash, compare_ltt, choose_orig,
-	_tt_local_del(&tt_local_entry->hash_entry, bat_priv);
+	tt_local_entry_free(&tt_local_entry->hash_entry, bat_priv);
-void tt_local_remove(struct bat_priv *bat_priv,
-		      uint8_t *addr, char *message)
+void tt_local_remove(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, uint8_t *addr, char *message)
 	struct tt_local_entry *tt_local_entry;
 	tt_local_entry = tt_local_hash_find(bat_priv, addr);
-	if (tt_local_entry)
+	if (tt_local_entry) {
+		tt_local_event(bat_priv, TT_DEL, tt_local_entry->addr);
 		tt_local_del(bat_priv, tt_local_entry, message);
+	}
-static void tt_local_purge(struct work_struct *work)
+static void tt_local_purge(struct bat_priv *bat_priv)
-	struct delayed_work *delayed_work =
-		container_of(work, struct delayed_work, work);
-	struct bat_priv *bat_priv =
-		container_of(delayed_work, struct bat_priv, tt_work);
 	struct hashtable_t *hash = bat_priv->tt_local_hash;
 	struct tt_local_entry *tt_local_entry;
 	struct hlist_node *node, *node_tmp;
 	struct hlist_head *head;
-	unsigned long timeout;
 	int i;
@@ -369,32 +396,52 @@  static void tt_local_purge(struct work_struct *work)
 			if (tt_local_entry->never_purge)
-			timeout = tt_local_entry->last_seen;
-			timeout += TT_LOCAL_TIMEOUT * HZ;
-			if (time_before(jiffies, timeout))
+			if (!is_out_of_time(tt_local_entry->last_seen,
+					   TT_LOCAL_TIMEOUT * 1000))
+			tt_local_event(bat_priv, TT_DEL, tt_local_entry->addr);
 			tt_local_del(bat_priv, tt_local_entry,
-				      "address timed out");
+				     "address timed out");
-	tt_local_start_timer(bat_priv);
-void tt_local_free(struct bat_priv *bat_priv)
+static void tt_local_table_free(struct bat_priv *bat_priv)
+	struct hashtable_t *hash;
+	int i;
+	spinlock_t *list_lock;
+	struct hlist_head *head;
+	struct hlist_node *node, *node_tmp;
+	struct tt_local_entry *tt_local_entry;
 	if (!bat_priv->tt_local_hash)
-	cancel_delayed_work_sync(&bat_priv->tt_work);
-	hash_delete(bat_priv->tt_local_hash, _tt_local_del, bat_priv);
+	hash = bat_priv->tt_local_hash;
+	for (i = 0; i < hash->size; i++) {
+		head = &hash->table[i];
+		list_lock = &hash->list_locks[i];
+		spin_lock_bh(list_lock);
+		hlist_for_each_entry_safe(tt_local_entry, node, node_tmp,
+					  head, hash_entry) {
+			hlist_del_rcu(node);
+			kfree(tt_local_entry);
+		}
+		spin_unlock_bh(list_lock);
+	}
+	hash_destroy(hash);
 	bat_priv->tt_local_hash = NULL;
-int tt_global_init(struct bat_priv *bat_priv)
+static int tt_global_init(struct bat_priv *bat_priv)
 	if (bat_priv->tt_global_hash)
 		return 1;
@@ -407,74 +454,79 @@  int tt_global_init(struct bat_priv *bat_priv)
 	return 1;
-void tt_global_add_orig(struct bat_priv *bat_priv,
-			 struct orig_node *orig_node,
-			 unsigned char *tt_buff, int tt_buff_len)
+static void tt_changes_list_free(struct bat_priv *bat_priv)
+	struct tt_change_node *entry, *safe;
+	spin_lock_bh(&bat_priv->tt_changes_list_lock);
+	list_for_each_entry_safe(entry, safe, &bat_priv->tt_changes_list,
+				 list) {
+		list_del(&entry->list);
+		kfree(entry);
+	}
+	atomic_set(&bat_priv->tt_local_changes, 0);
+	spin_unlock_bh(&bat_priv->tt_changes_list_lock);
+/* caller must hold orig_node recount */
+int tt_global_add(struct bat_priv *bat_priv,
+		  struct orig_node *orig_node,
+		  unsigned char *tt_addr, uint8_t ttvn)
 	struct tt_global_entry *tt_global_entry;
 	struct tt_local_entry *tt_local_entry;
-	int tt_buff_count = 0;
-	unsigned char *tt_ptr;
-	while ((tt_buff_count + 1) * ETH_ALEN <= tt_buff_len) {
-		spin_lock_bh(&bat_priv->tt_ghash_lock);
-		tt_ptr = tt_buff + (tt_buff_count * ETH_ALEN);
-		tt_global_entry = tt_global_hash_find(bat_priv, tt_ptr);
-		if (!tt_global_entry) {
-			spin_unlock_bh(&bat_priv->tt_ghash_lock);
-			tt_global_entry =
-				kmalloc(sizeof(struct tt_global_entry),
-					GFP_ATOMIC);
-			if (!tt_global_entry)
-				break;
-			memcpy(tt_global_entry->addr, tt_ptr, ETH_ALEN);
-			bat_dbg(DBG_ROUTES, bat_priv,
-				"Creating new global tt entry: "
-				"%pM (via %pM)\n",
-				tt_global_entry->addr, orig_node->orig);
-			spin_lock_bh(&bat_priv->tt_ghash_lock);
-			hash_add(bat_priv->tt_global_hash, compare_gtt,
-				 choose_orig, tt_global_entry,
-				 &tt_global_entry->hash_entry);
-		}
+	struct orig_node *orig_node_tmp;
+	spin_lock_bh(&bat_priv->tt_ghash_lock);
+	tt_global_entry = tt_global_hash_find(bat_priv, tt_addr);
+	if (!tt_global_entry) {
+		tt_global_entry =
+			kmalloc(sizeof(struct tt_global_entry),
+		if (!tt_global_entry)
+			goto unlock;
+		memcpy(tt_global_entry->addr, tt_addr, ETH_ALEN);
+		/* Assign the new orig_node */
+		atomic_inc(&orig_node->refcount);
 		tt_global_entry->orig_node = orig_node;
-		spin_unlock_bh(&bat_priv->tt_ghash_lock);
-		/* remove address from local hash if present */
-		spin_lock_bh(&bat_priv->tt_lhash_lock);
-		tt_ptr = tt_buff + (tt_buff_count * ETH_ALEN);
-		tt_local_entry = tt_local_hash_find(bat_priv, tt_ptr);
-		if (tt_local_entry)
-			tt_local_del(bat_priv, tt_local_entry,
-				      "global tt received");
-		spin_unlock_bh(&bat_priv->tt_lhash_lock);
-		tt_buff_count++;
-	}
-	/* initialize, and overwrite if malloc succeeds */
-	orig_node->tt_buff = NULL;
-	orig_node->tt_buff_len = 0;
-	if (tt_buff_len > 0) {
-		orig_node->tt_buff = kmalloc(tt_buff_len, GFP_ATOMIC);
-		if (orig_node->tt_buff) {
-			memcpy(orig_node->tt_buff, tt_buff, tt_buff_len);
-			orig_node->tt_buff_len = tt_buff_len;
+		tt_global_entry->ttvn = ttvn;
+		atomic_inc(&orig_node->tt_size);
+		hash_add(bat_priv->tt_global_hash, compare_gtt,
+			 choose_orig, tt_global_entry,
+			 &tt_global_entry->hash_entry);
+	} else {
+		if (tt_global_entry->orig_node != orig_node) {
+			atomic_dec(&tt_global_entry->orig_node->tt_size);
+			orig_node_tmp = tt_global_entry->orig_node;
+			atomic_inc(&orig_node->refcount);
+			tt_global_entry->orig_node = orig_node;
+			tt_global_entry->ttvn = ttvn;
+			orig_node_free_ref(orig_node_tmp);
+			atomic_inc(&orig_node->tt_size);
+	spin_unlock_bh(&bat_priv->tt_ghash_lock);
+	bat_dbg(DBG_ROUTES, bat_priv,
+		"Creating new global tt entry: %pM (via %pM)\n",
+		tt_global_entry->addr, orig_node->orig);
+	/* remove address from local hash if present */
+	spin_lock_bh(&bat_priv->tt_lhash_lock);
+	tt_local_entry = tt_local_hash_find(bat_priv, tt_addr);
+	if (tt_local_entry)
+		tt_local_del(bat_priv, tt_local_entry,
+			     "global tt received");
+	spin_unlock_bh(&bat_priv->tt_lhash_lock);
+	return 1;
+	spin_unlock_bh(&bat_priv->tt_ghash_lock);
+	return 0;
 int tt_global_seq_print_text(struct seq_file *seq, void *offset)
@@ -507,17 +559,20 @@  int tt_global_seq_print_text(struct seq_file *seq, void *offset)
 	seq_printf(seq, "Globally announced TTs received via the mesh %s\n",
+	seq_printf(seq, "       %-13s %s       %-15s %s\n",
+		   "Client", "(TTVN)", "Originator", "(Curr TTVN)");
 	buf_size = 1;
-	/* Estimate length for: " * xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx via xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx\n"*/
+	/* Estimate length for: " * xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx (ttvn) via
+	 * xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx (cur_ttvn)\n"*/
 	for (i = 0; i < hash->size; i++) {
 		head = &hash->table[i];
 		__hlist_for_each_rcu(node, head)
-			buf_size += 43;
+			buf_size += 59;
@@ -536,10 +591,14 @@  int tt_global_seq_print_text(struct seq_file *seq, void *offset)
 		hlist_for_each_entry_rcu(tt_global_entry, node,
 					 head, hash_entry) {
-			pos += snprintf(buff + pos, 44,
-					" * %pM via %pM\n",
+			pos += snprintf(buff + pos, 61,
+					" * %pM  (%3u) via %pM     (%3u)\n",
-					tt_global_entry->orig_node->orig);
+					tt_global_entry->ttvn,
+					tt_global_entry->orig_node->orig,
+					(uint8_t) atomic_read(
+						&tt_global_entry->orig_node->
+						last_tt_ver_num));
@@ -554,64 +613,80 @@  out:
 	return ret;
-static void _tt_global_del_orig(struct bat_priv *bat_priv,
-				 struct tt_global_entry *tt_global_entry,
-				 char *message)
+static void _tt_global_del(struct bat_priv *bat_priv,
+			   struct tt_global_entry *tt_global_entry,
+			   char *message)
+	if (!tt_global_entry)
+		return;
 	bat_dbg(DBG_ROUTES, bat_priv,
 		"Deleting global tt entry %pM (via %pM): %s\n",
 		tt_global_entry->addr, tt_global_entry->orig_node->orig,
+	atomic_dec(&tt_global_entry->orig_node->tt_size);
 	hash_remove(bat_priv->tt_global_hash, compare_gtt, choose_orig,
+void tt_global_del(struct bat_priv *bat_priv,
+		   struct orig_node *orig_node,
+		   unsigned char *addr, char *message)
+	struct tt_global_entry *tt_global_entry;
+	spin_lock_bh(&bat_priv->tt_ghash_lock);
+	tt_global_entry = tt_global_hash_find(bat_priv, addr);
+	if (tt_global_entry && tt_global_entry->orig_node == orig_node) {
+		atomic_dec(&orig_node->tt_size);
+		_tt_global_del(bat_priv, tt_global_entry, message);
+	}
+	spin_unlock_bh(&bat_priv->tt_ghash_lock);
 void tt_global_del_orig(struct bat_priv *bat_priv,
-			 struct orig_node *orig_node, char *message)
+			struct orig_node *orig_node, char *message)
 	struct tt_global_entry *tt_global_entry;
-	int tt_buff_count = 0;
-	unsigned char *tt_ptr;
+	int i;
+	struct hashtable_t *hash = bat_priv->tt_global_hash;
+	struct hlist_node *node, *safe;
+	struct hlist_head *head;
-	if (orig_node->tt_buff_len == 0)
+	if (!bat_priv->tt_global_hash)
+	for (i = 0; i < hash->size; i++) {
+		head = &hash->table[i];
-	while ((tt_buff_count + 1) * ETH_ALEN <= orig_node->tt_buff_len) {
-		tt_ptr = orig_node->tt_buff + (tt_buff_count * ETH_ALEN);
-		tt_global_entry = tt_global_hash_find(bat_priv, tt_ptr);
-		if ((tt_global_entry) &&
-		    (tt_global_entry->orig_node == orig_node))
-			_tt_global_del_orig(bat_priv, tt_global_entry,
-					     message);
-		tt_buff_count++;
+		hlist_for_each_entry_safe(tt_global_entry, node, safe,
+					 head, hash_entry) {
+			if (tt_global_entry->orig_node == orig_node)
+				_tt_global_del(bat_priv, tt_global_entry,
+					       message);
+		}
+	atomic_set(&orig_node->tt_size, 0);
-	orig_node->tt_buff_len = 0;
-	kfree(orig_node->tt_buff);
-	orig_node->tt_buff = NULL;
-static void tt_global_del(struct hlist_node *node, void *arg)
+static void tt_global_entry_free(struct hlist_node *node, void *arg)
 	void *data = container_of(node, struct tt_global_entry, hash_entry);
-void tt_global_free(struct bat_priv *bat_priv)
+static void tt_global_table_free(struct bat_priv *bat_priv)
 	if (!bat_priv->tt_global_hash)
-	hash_delete(bat_priv->tt_global_hash, tt_global_del, NULL);
+	hash_delete(bat_priv->tt_global_hash, tt_global_entry_free, NULL);
 	bat_priv->tt_global_hash = NULL;
@@ -635,3 +710,699 @@  out:
 	return orig_node;
+/* Calculates the checksum of the local table of a given orig_node */
+uint16_t tt_global_crc(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, struct orig_node *orig_node)
+	uint16_t total = 0, total_one;
+	struct hashtable_t *hash = bat_priv->tt_global_hash;
+	struct tt_global_entry *tt_global_entry;
+	struct hlist_node *node;
+	struct hlist_head *head;
+	int i, j;
+	for (i = 0; i < hash->size; i++) {
+		head = &hash->table[i];
+		rcu_read_lock();
+		hlist_for_each_entry_rcu(tt_global_entry, node,
+					 head, hash_entry) {
+			if (compare_eth(tt_global_entry->orig_node,
+					orig_node)) {
+				total_one = 0;
+				for (j = 0; j < ETH_ALEN; j++)
+					total_one = crc16_byte(total_one,
+						tt_global_entry->addr[j]);
+				total ^= total_one;
+			}
+		}
+		rcu_read_unlock();
+	}
+	return total;
+/* Calculates the checksum of the local table */
+uint16_t tt_local_crc(struct bat_priv *bat_priv)
+	uint16_t total = 0, total_one;
+	struct hashtable_t *hash = bat_priv->tt_local_hash;
+	struct tt_local_entry *tt_local_entry;
+	struct hlist_node *node;
+	struct hlist_head *head;
+	int i, j;
+	for (i = 0; i < hash->size; i++) {
+		head = &hash->table[i];
+		rcu_read_lock();
+		hlist_for_each_entry_rcu(tt_local_entry, node,
+					 head, hash_entry) {
+			total_one = 0;
+			for (j = 0; j < ETH_ALEN; j++)
+				total_one = crc16_byte(total_one,
+						   tt_local_entry->addr[j]);
+			total ^= total_one;
+		}
+		rcu_read_unlock();
+	}
+	return total;
+static void tt_req_list_free(struct bat_priv *bat_priv)
+	struct tt_req_node *node, *safe;
+	spin_lock_bh(&bat_priv->tt_req_list_lock);
+	list_for_each_entry_safe(node, safe, &bat_priv->tt_req_list, list) {
+		list_del(&node->list);
+		kfree(node);
+	}
+	spin_unlock_bh(&bat_priv->tt_req_list_lock);
+void tt_save_orig_buffer(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, struct orig_node *orig_node,
+			 unsigned char *tt_buff, uint8_t tt_num_changes)
+	uint16_t tt_buff_len = tt_len(tt_num_changes);
+	/* Replace the old buffer only if I received something in the
+	 * last OGM (the OGM could carry no changes) */
+	spin_lock_bh(&orig_node->tt_buff_lock);
+	if (tt_buff_len > 0) {
+		kfree(orig_node->tt_buff);
+		orig_node->tt_buff_len = 0;
+		orig_node->tt_buff = kmalloc(tt_buff_len, GFP_ATOMIC);
+		if (orig_node->tt_buff) {
+			memcpy(orig_node->tt_buff, tt_buff, tt_buff_len);
+			orig_node->tt_buff_len = tt_buff_len;
+		}
+	}
+	spin_unlock_bh(&orig_node->tt_buff_lock);
+static void tt_req_purge(struct bat_priv *bat_priv)
+	struct tt_req_node *node, *safe;
+	spin_lock_bh(&bat_priv->tt_req_list_lock);
+	list_for_each_entry_safe(node, safe, &bat_priv->tt_req_list, list) {
+		if (is_out_of_time(node->issued_at,
+		    TT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT * 1000)) {
+			list_del(&node->list);
+			kfree(node);
+		}
+	}
+	spin_unlock_bh(&bat_priv->tt_req_list_lock);
+int send_tt_request(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, struct orig_node *dst_orig_node,
+		    uint8_t ttvn, uint16_t tt_crc, bool full_table)
+	struct sk_buff *skb;
+	struct tt_query_packet *tt_request;
+	struct neigh_node *neigh_node = NULL;
+	struct hard_iface *primary_if;
+	struct tt_req_node *tt_req_node = NULL;
+	int ret = 0;
+	primary_if = primary_if_get_selected(bat_priv);
+	if (!primary_if)
+		goto out;
+	spin_lock_bh(&bat_priv->tt_req_list_lock);
+	/* The new tt_req will be issued only if I'm not waiting for a
+	 * reply from the same orig_node yet */
+	list_for_each_entry(tt_req_node, &bat_priv->tt_req_list, list) {
+		if (compare_eth(tt_req_node, dst_orig_node) &&
+		    !is_out_of_time(tt_req_node->issued_at,
+				    TT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT * 1000))
+			goto unlock_tt;
+	}
+	tt_req_node = kmalloc(sizeof(struct tt_req_node), GFP_ATOMIC);
+	if (!tt_req_node) {
+		ret = 1;
+		goto unlock_tt;
+	}
+	memcpy(tt_req_node->addr, dst_orig_node->orig, ETH_ALEN);
+	tt_req_node->issued_at = jiffies;
+	list_add(&tt_req_node->list, &bat_priv->tt_req_list);
+	spin_unlock_bh(&bat_priv->tt_req_list_lock);
+	skb = dev_alloc_skb(sizeof(struct tt_query_packet) + ETH_HLEN);
+	if (!skb)
+		goto out;
+	skb_reserve(skb, ETH_HLEN);
+	tt_request = (struct tt_query_packet *)skb_put(skb,
+				sizeof(struct tt_query_packet));
+	tt_request->packet_type = BAT_TT_QUERY;
+	tt_request->version = COMPAT_VERSION;
+	memcpy(tt_request->src, primary_if->net_dev->dev_addr, ETH_ALEN);
+	memcpy(tt_request->dst, dst_orig_node->orig, ETH_ALEN);
+	tt_request->ttl = TTL;
+	tt_request->ttvn = ttvn;
+	tt_request->tt_data = tt_crc;
+	tt_request->flags = TT_REQUEST;
+	/* Request the full table if needed */
+	if (full_table)
+		tt_request->flags |= TT_FULL_TABLE;
+	neigh_node = find_router(bat_priv, dst_orig_node, NULL);
+	if (!neigh_node)
+		goto out;
+	if (neigh_node->if_incoming->if_status != IF_ACTIVE)
+		goto out;
+	bat_dbg(DBG_ROUTES, bat_priv, "Sending TT_REQUEST to %pM via %pM "
+		"[%c]\n", dst_orig_node->orig, neigh_node->addr,
+		(full_table ? 'F' : '.'));
+	send_skb_packet(skb, neigh_node->if_incoming, neigh_node->addr);
+	ret = 0;
+	if (neigh_node)
+		neigh_node_free_ref(neigh_node);
+	if (primary_if)
+		hardif_free_ref(primary_if);
+	if (ret == 1) {
+		kfree_skb(skb);
+		spin_lock_bh(&bat_priv->tt_req_list_lock);
+		list_del(&tt_req_node->list);
+		spin_unlock_bh(&bat_priv->tt_req_list_lock);
+		kfree(tt_req_node);
+	}
+	return ret;
+	spin_unlock_bh(&bat_priv->tt_req_list_lock);
+	return ret;
+static int send_other_tt_response(struct bat_priv *bat_priv,
+				  struct tt_query_packet *tt_request)
+	struct orig_node *req_dst_orig_node = NULL, *res_dst_orig_node = NULL;
+	struct neigh_node *neigh_node = NULL;
+	struct hard_iface *primary_if = NULL;
+	struct tt_global_entry *tt_global_entry;
+	struct hlist_node *node;
+	struct hlist_head *head;
+	struct hashtable_t *hash;
+	uint8_t orig_ttvn, req_ttvn;
+	int i, ret = NET_RX_DROP;
+	unsigned char *tt_buff;
+	bool full_table;
+	uint16_t tt_len, tt_tot, tt_count;
+	struct sk_buff *skb = NULL;
+	struct tt_query_packet *tt_response;
+	bat_dbg(DBG_ROUTES, bat_priv,
+		"Received TT_REQUEST from %pM for "
+		"ttvn: %u (%pM) [%c]\n", tt_request->src,
+		tt_request->ttvn, tt_request->dst,
+		(tt_request->flags & TT_FULL_TABLE ? 'F' : '.'));
+	/* Let's get the orig node of the REAL destination */
+	req_dst_orig_node = get_orig_node(bat_priv, tt_request->dst);
+	if (!req_dst_orig_node)
+		goto out;
+	/* I don't have any info about this node yet! */
+	if (!req_dst_orig_node->tt_crc)
+		goto out;
+	res_dst_orig_node = get_orig_node(bat_priv, tt_request->src);
+	if (!res_dst_orig_node)
+		goto out;
+	neigh_node = find_router(bat_priv, res_dst_orig_node, NULL);
+	if (!neigh_node)
+		goto out;
+	if (neigh_node->if_incoming->if_status != IF_ACTIVE)
+		goto out;
+	primary_if = primary_if_get_selected(bat_priv);
+	if (!primary_if)
+		goto out;
+	orig_ttvn = (uint8_t)atomic_read(&req_dst_orig_node->last_tt_ver_num);
+	req_ttvn = tt_request->ttvn;
+	/* I have not the requested data */
+	if (orig_ttvn != req_ttvn ||
+	    tt_request->tt_data != req_dst_orig_node->tt_crc)
+		goto out;
+	/* If it has explicitly been requested the full table */
+	if (tt_request->flags & TT_FULL_TABLE ||
+	    !req_dst_orig_node->tt_buff)
+		full_table = true;
+	else
+		full_table = false;
+	/* In this version, fragmentation is not implemented, then
+	 * I'll send only one packet with as much TT entries as I can */
+	if (!full_table) {
+		spin_lock_bh(&req_dst_orig_node->tt_buff_lock);
+		tt_len = req_dst_orig_node->tt_buff_len;
+		tt_tot = tt_len / sizeof(struct tt_change);
+		skb = dev_alloc_skb(sizeof(struct tt_query_packet) +
+				    tt_len + ETH_HLEN);
+		if (!skb)
+			goto unlock;
+		skb_reserve(skb, ETH_HLEN);
+		tt_response = (struct tt_query_packet *)skb_put(skb,
+				sizeof(struct tt_query_packet) + tt_len);
+		tt_response->ttvn = req_ttvn;
+		tt_buff = skb->data + sizeof(struct tt_query_packet);
+		/* Copy the last orig_node's OGM buffer */
+		memcpy(tt_buff, req_dst_orig_node->tt_buff,
+		       req_dst_orig_node->tt_buff_len);
+		spin_unlock_bh(&req_dst_orig_node->tt_buff_lock);
+	} else {
+		tt_len = (uint16_t)atomic_read(&req_dst_orig_node->tt_size) *
+								ETH_ALEN;
+		if (sizeof(struct tt_query_packet) + tt_len >
+						primary_if->soft_iface->mtu) {
+			tt_len = primary_if->soft_iface->mtu -
+						sizeof(struct tt_query_packet);
+			tt_len -= tt_len % ETH_ALEN;
+		}
+		tt_tot = tt_len / ETH_ALEN;
+		skb = dev_alloc_skb(sizeof(struct tt_query_packet) +
+				    tt_len + ETH_HLEN);
+		if (!skb)
+			goto out;
+		skb_reserve(skb, ETH_HLEN);
+		tt_response = (struct tt_query_packet *)skb_put(skb,
+				sizeof(struct tt_query_packet) + tt_len);
+		tt_response->ttvn = (uint8_t)
+			atomic_read(&req_dst_orig_node->last_tt_ver_num);
+		tt_buff = skb->data + sizeof(struct tt_query_packet);
+		/* Fill the packet with the orig_node's local table */
+		hash = bat_priv->tt_global_hash;
+		tt_count = 0;
+		rcu_read_lock();
+		for (i = 0; i < hash->size; i++) {
+			head = &hash->table[i];
+			hlist_for_each_entry_rcu(tt_global_entry, node,
+					head, hash_entry) {
+				if (tt_count == tt_tot)
+					break;
+				if (tt_global_entry->orig_node ==
+				    req_dst_orig_node) {
+					memcpy(tt_buff + tt_count * ETH_ALEN,
+					       tt_global_entry->addr,
+					       ETH_ALEN);
+					tt_count++;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		rcu_read_unlock();
+	}
+	tt_response->packet_type = BAT_TT_QUERY;
+	tt_response->version = COMPAT_VERSION;
+	memcpy(tt_response->src, req_dst_orig_node->orig, ETH_ALEN);
+	memcpy(tt_response->dst, tt_request->src, ETH_ALEN);
+	tt_response->tt_data = htons(tt_tot);
+	tt_response->flags = TT_RESPONSE;
+	if (full_table)
+		tt_response->flags |= TT_FULL_TABLE;
+	bat_dbg(DBG_ROUTES, bat_priv,
+		"Sending TT_RESPONSE %pM via %pM for %pM (ttvn: %u)\n",
+		res_dst_orig_node->orig, neigh_node->addr,
+		req_dst_orig_node->orig, req_ttvn);
+	send_skb_packet(skb, neigh_node->if_incoming, neigh_node->addr);
+	goto out;
+	spin_unlock_bh(&req_dst_orig_node->tt_buff_lock);
+	if (res_dst_orig_node)
+		orig_node_free_ref(res_dst_orig_node);
+	if (req_dst_orig_node)
+		orig_node_free_ref(req_dst_orig_node);
+	if (neigh_node)
+		neigh_node_free_ref(neigh_node);
+	if (primary_if)
+		hardif_free_ref(primary_if);
+	if (ret == NET_RX_DROP)
+		kfree_skb(skb);
+	return ret;
+static int send_my_tt_response(struct bat_priv *bat_priv,
+			       struct tt_query_packet *tt_request)
+	struct orig_node *orig_node = NULL;
+	struct neigh_node *neigh_node = NULL;
+	struct tt_local_entry *tt_local_entry;
+	struct hard_iface *primary_if = NULL;
+	struct hlist_node *node;
+	struct hlist_head *head;
+	struct hashtable_t *hash;
+	uint8_t my_ttvn, req_ttvn;
+	int i, ret = NET_RX_DROP;
+	unsigned char *tt_buff;
+	bool full_table;
+	uint16_t tt_len, tt_tot, tt_count;
+	struct sk_buff *skb = NULL;
+	struct tt_query_packet *tt_response;
+	bat_dbg(DBG_ROUTES, bat_priv,
+		"Received TT_REQUEST from %pM for "
+		"ttvn: %u (me) [%c]\n", tt_request->src,
+		tt_request->ttvn,
+		(tt_request->flags & TT_FULL_TABLE ? 'F' : '.'));
+	my_ttvn = (uint8_t)atomic_read(&bat_priv->tt_ver_num);
+	req_ttvn = tt_request->ttvn;
+	orig_node = get_orig_node(bat_priv, tt_request->src);
+	if (!orig_node)
+		goto out;
+	neigh_node = find_router(bat_priv, orig_node, NULL);
+	if (!neigh_node)
+		goto out;
+	if (neigh_node->if_incoming->if_status != IF_ACTIVE)
+		goto out;
+	primary_if = primary_if_get_selected(bat_priv);
+	if (!primary_if)
+		goto out;
+	/* If the full table has been explicitly requested or the gap
+	 * is too big send the whole local translation table */
+	if (tt_request->flags & TT_FULL_TABLE || my_ttvn != req_ttvn ||
+	    !bat_priv->tt_buff)
+		full_table = true;
+	else
+		full_table = false;
+	/* In this version, fragmentation is not implemented, then
+	 * I'll send only one packet with as much TT entries as I can */
+	if (!full_table) {
+		spin_lock_bh(&bat_priv->tt_buff_lock);
+		tt_len = bat_priv->tt_buff_len;
+		tt_tot = tt_len / sizeof(struct tt_change);
+		skb = dev_alloc_skb(sizeof(struct tt_query_packet) +
+				    tt_len + ETH_HLEN);
+		if (!skb)
+			goto unlock;
+		skb_reserve(skb, ETH_HLEN);
+		tt_response = (struct tt_query_packet *)skb_put(skb,
+				sizeof(struct tt_query_packet) + tt_len);
+		tt_response->ttvn = req_ttvn;
+		tt_buff = skb->data + sizeof(struct tt_query_packet);
+		memcpy(tt_buff, bat_priv->tt_buff,
+		       bat_priv->tt_buff_len);
+		spin_unlock_bh(&bat_priv->tt_buff_lock);
+	} else {
+		tt_len = (uint16_t)atomic_read(&bat_priv->num_local_tt) *
+								ETH_ALEN;
+		if (sizeof(struct tt_query_packet) + tt_len >
+				bat_priv->primary_if->soft_iface->mtu) {
+			tt_len = bat_priv->primary_if->soft_iface->mtu -
+				sizeof(struct tt_query_packet);
+			tt_len -= tt_len % ETH_ALEN;
+		}
+		tt_tot = tt_len / ETH_ALEN;
+		skb = dev_alloc_skb(sizeof(struct tt_query_packet) +
+				    tt_len + ETH_HLEN);
+		if (!skb)
+			goto out;
+		skb_reserve(skb, ETH_HLEN);
+		tt_response = (struct tt_query_packet *)skb_put(skb,
+				sizeof(struct tt_query_packet) + tt_len);
+		tt_buff = skb->data + sizeof(struct tt_query_packet);
+		/* Fill the packet with the local table */
+		tt_response->ttvn =
+			(uint8_t)atomic_read(&bat_priv->tt_ver_num);
+		hash = bat_priv->tt_local_hash;
+		tt_count = 0;
+		rcu_read_lock();
+		for (i = 0; i < hash->size; i++) {
+			head = &hash->table[i];
+			hlist_for_each_entry_rcu(tt_local_entry, node,
+					head, hash_entry) {
+				if (tt_count == tt_tot)
+					break;
+				memcpy(tt_buff + tt_count * ETH_ALEN,
+					tt_local_entry->addr,
+						ETH_ALEN);
+				tt_count++;
+			}
+		}
+		rcu_read_unlock();
+	}
+	tt_response->packet_type = BAT_TT_QUERY;
+	tt_response->version = COMPAT_VERSION;
+	memcpy(tt_response->src, primary_if->net_dev->dev_addr, ETH_ALEN);
+	memcpy(tt_response->dst, tt_request->src, ETH_ALEN);
+	tt_response->tt_data = htons(tt_tot);
+	tt_response->flags = TT_RESPONSE;
+	if (full_table)
+		tt_response->flags |= TT_FULL_TABLE;
+	bat_dbg(DBG_ROUTES, bat_priv,
+		"Sending TT_RESPONSE to %pM via %pM [%c]\n",
+		orig_node->orig, neigh_node->addr,
+		(tt_response->flags & TT_FULL_TABLE ? 'F' : '.'));
+	send_skb_packet(skb, neigh_node->if_incoming, neigh_node->addr);
+	goto out;
+	spin_unlock_bh(&bat_priv->tt_buff_lock);
+	if (orig_node)
+		orig_node_free_ref(orig_node);
+	if (neigh_node)
+		neigh_node_free_ref(neigh_node);
+	if (primary_if)
+		hardif_free_ref(primary_if);
+	if (ret == NET_RX_DROP)
+		kfree_skb(skb);
+	return ret;
+int send_tt_response(struct bat_priv *bat_priv,
+		     struct tt_query_packet *tt_request)
+	if (is_my_mac(tt_request->dst))
+		return send_my_tt_response(bat_priv, tt_request);
+	else
+		return send_other_tt_response(bat_priv, tt_request);
+/* Substitute the TT response source's table with the newone carried by the
+ * packet */
+static void _tt_fill_gtable(struct bat_priv *bat_priv,
+			    struct orig_node *orig_node, unsigned char *tt_buff,
+			    uint16_t table_size, uint8_t ttvn)
+	int count;
+	unsigned char *tt_ptr;
+	for (count = 0; count < table_size; count++) {
+		tt_ptr = tt_buff + (count * ETH_ALEN);
+		/* If we fail to allocate a new entry we return immediatly */
+		if (!tt_global_add(bat_priv, orig_node, tt_ptr, ttvn))
+			return;
+	}
+	atomic_set(&orig_node->last_tt_ver_num, ttvn);
+static void tt_fill_gtable(struct bat_priv *bat_priv,
+			   struct tt_query_packet *tt_response)
+	struct orig_node *orig_node = NULL;
+	orig_node = orig_hash_find(bat_priv, tt_response->src);
+	if (!orig_node)
+		goto out;
+	/* Purge the old table first.. */
+	tt_global_del_orig(bat_priv, orig_node, "Received full table");
+	_tt_fill_gtable(bat_priv, orig_node,
+		((unsigned char *)tt_response) +
+		sizeof(struct tt_query_packet),
+		tt_response->tt_data,
+		tt_response->ttvn);
+	spin_lock_bh(&orig_node->tt_buff_lock);
+	kfree(orig_node->tt_buff);
+	orig_node->tt_buff_len = 0;
+	orig_node->tt_buff = NULL;
+	spin_unlock_bh(&orig_node->tt_buff_lock);
+	if (orig_node)
+		orig_node_free_ref(orig_node);
+static void tt_update_changes(struct bat_priv *bat_priv,
+			      struct tt_query_packet *tt_response,
+			      struct tt_change *tt_change)
+	struct orig_node *orig_node = NULL;
+	int i;
+	orig_node = orig_hash_find(bat_priv, tt_response->src);
+	if (!orig_node)
+		goto out;
+	for (i = 0; i < tt_response->tt_data; i++) {
+		if ((tt_change + i)->op == TT_DEL)
+			tt_global_del(bat_priv, orig_node,
+				      (tt_change + i)->addr,
+				      "tt removed by tt_response");
+		else
+			if (!tt_global_add(bat_priv, orig_node,
+				     (tt_change + i)->addr, tt_response->ttvn))
+				return;
+	}
+	tt_save_orig_buffer(bat_priv, orig_node, (unsigned char *)tt_change,
+			    tt_response->tt_data);
+	atomic_set(&orig_node->last_tt_ver_num, tt_response->ttvn);
+	if (orig_node)
+		orig_node_free_ref(orig_node);
+bool is_my_client(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, uint8_t *addr)
+	struct tt_local_entry *tt_local_entry;
+	spin_lock_bh(&bat_priv->tt_lhash_lock);
+	tt_local_entry = tt_local_hash_find(bat_priv, addr);
+	spin_unlock_bh(&bat_priv->tt_lhash_lock);
+	if (tt_local_entry)
+		return true;
+	return false;
+void handle_tt_response(struct bat_priv *bat_priv,
+			struct tt_query_packet *tt_response)
+	struct tt_req_node *node, *safe;
+	struct orig_node *orig_node = NULL;
+	bat_dbg(DBG_ROUTES, bat_priv, "Received TT_RESPONSE from %pM for "
+		"ttvn %d t_size: %d [%c]\n",
+		tt_response->src, tt_response->ttvn,
+		tt_response->tt_data,
+		(tt_response->flags & TT_FULL_TABLE ? 'F' : '.'));
+	if (tt_response->flags & TT_FULL_TABLE)
+		tt_fill_gtable(bat_priv, tt_response);
+	else
+		tt_update_changes(bat_priv, tt_response,
+				  (struct tt_change *)(tt_response + 1));
+	/* Delete the tt_req_node from pending tt_requests list */
+	spin_lock_bh(&bat_priv->tt_req_list_lock);
+	list_for_each_entry_safe(node, safe, &bat_priv->tt_req_list, list) {
+		if (!compare_eth(node->addr, tt_response->src))
+			continue;
+		list_del(&node->list);
+		kfree(node);
+	}
+	spin_unlock_bh(&bat_priv->tt_req_list_lock);
+	/* Recalculate the CRC for this orig_node and store it */
+	orig_node = orig_hash_find(bat_priv, tt_response->src);
+	if (!orig_node)
+		goto out;
+	spin_lock_bh(&bat_priv->tt_ghash_lock);
+	orig_node->tt_crc = tt_global_crc(bat_priv, orig_node);
+	spin_unlock_bh(&bat_priv->tt_ghash_lock);
+	orig_node_free_ref(orig_node);
+int tt_init(struct bat_priv *bat_priv)
+	if (!tt_local_init(bat_priv))
+		return 0;
+	if (!tt_global_init(bat_priv))
+		return 0;
+	tt_start_timer(bat_priv);
+	return 1;
+void tt_free(struct bat_priv *bat_priv)
+	cancel_delayed_work_sync(&bat_priv->tt_work);
+	tt_local_table_free(bat_priv);
+	tt_global_table_free(bat_priv);
+	tt_req_list_free(bat_priv);
+	tt_changes_list_free(bat_priv);
+	kfree(bat_priv->tt_buff);
+static void tt_purge(struct work_struct *work)
+	struct delayed_work *delayed_work =
+		container_of(work, struct delayed_work, work);
+	struct bat_priv *bat_priv =
+		container_of(delayed_work, struct bat_priv, tt_work);
+	tt_local_purge(bat_priv);
+	tt_req_purge(bat_priv);
+	tt_start_timer(bat_priv);
diff --git a/translation-table.h b/translation-table.h
index 46152c3..4eef4f8 100644
--- a/translation-table.h
+++ b/translation-table.h
@@ -22,22 +22,41 @@ 
-int tt_local_init(struct bat_priv *bat_priv);
+int tt_len(int changes_num);
+void tt_changes_primary_if(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, uint8_t *old_addr,
+			   uint8_t *new_addr);
+int tt_changes_fill_buffer(struct bat_priv *bat_priv,
+			   unsigned char *buff, int buff_len);
+int tt_init(struct bat_priv *bat_priv);
 void tt_local_add(struct net_device *soft_iface, uint8_t *addr);
 void tt_local_remove(struct bat_priv *bat_priv,
-		      uint8_t *addr, char *message);
-int tt_local_fill_buffer(struct bat_priv *bat_priv,
-			  unsigned char *buff, int buff_len);
+		     uint8_t *addr, char *message);
 int tt_local_seq_print_text(struct seq_file *seq, void *offset);
-void tt_local_free(struct bat_priv *bat_priv);
-int tt_global_init(struct bat_priv *bat_priv);
 void tt_global_add_orig(struct bat_priv *bat_priv,
-			 struct orig_node *orig_node,
-			 unsigned char *tt_buff, int tt_buff_len);
+			struct orig_node *orig_node,
+			unsigned char *tt_buff, int tt_buff_len);
+int tt_global_add(struct bat_priv *bat_priv,
+		  struct orig_node *orig_node, unsigned char *addr,
+		  uint8_t ttvn);
 int tt_global_seq_print_text(struct seq_file *seq, void *offset);
 void tt_global_del_orig(struct bat_priv *bat_priv,
-			 struct orig_node *orig_node, char *message);
-void tt_global_free(struct bat_priv *bat_priv);
+			struct orig_node *orig_node, char *message);
+void tt_global_del(struct bat_priv *bat_priv,
+		   struct orig_node *orig_node, unsigned char *addr,
+		   char *message);
 struct orig_node *transtable_search(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, uint8_t *addr);
+void tt_save_orig_buffer(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, struct orig_node *orig_node,
+			 unsigned char *tt_buff, uint8_t tt_num_changes);
+uint16_t tt_local_crc(struct bat_priv *bat_priv);
+uint16_t tt_global_crc(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, struct orig_node *orig_node);
+void tt_free(struct bat_priv *bat_priv);
+int send_tt_request(struct bat_priv *bat_priv,
+		    struct orig_node *dst_orig_node, uint8_t hvn,
+		    uint16_t tt_crc, bool full_table);
+int send_tt_response(struct bat_priv *bat_priv,
+		     struct tt_query_packet *tt_request);
+bool is_my_client(struct bat_priv *bat_priv, uint8_t *addr);
+void handle_tt_response(struct bat_priv *bat_priv,
+			struct tt_query_packet *tt_response);
diff --git a/types.h b/types.h
index b8c72c3..3a629a3 100644
--- a/types.h
+++ b/types.h
@@ -75,8 +75,12 @@  struct orig_node {
 	unsigned long batman_seqno_reset;
 	uint8_t gw_flags;
 	uint8_t flags;
+	atomic_t last_tt_ver_num;
+	uint16_t tt_crc;
 	unsigned char *tt_buff;
 	int16_t tt_buff_len;
+	spinlock_t tt_buff_lock;
+	atomic_t tt_size;
 	uint32_t last_real_seqno;
 	uint8_t last_ttl;
 	unsigned long bcast_bits[NUM_WORDS];
@@ -94,10 +98,16 @@  struct orig_node {
 				  * neigh_node->real_packet_count */
 	spinlock_t bcast_seqno_lock; /* protects bcast_bits,
 				      *	 last_bcast_seqno */
+	spinlock_t tt_list_lock; /* protects tt_list */
 	atomic_t bond_candidates;
 	struct list_head bond_list;
+struct tt_change {
+	uint8_t op;
+	uint8_t addr[ETH_ALEN];
 struct gw_node {
 	struct hlist_node list;
 	struct orig_node *orig_node;
@@ -145,6 +155,9 @@  struct bat_priv {
 	atomic_t bcast_seqno;
 	atomic_t bcast_queue_left;
 	atomic_t batman_queue_left;
+	atomic_t tt_ver_num;
+	atomic_t tt_ogm_append_cnt;
+	atomic_t tt_local_changes; /* changes registered in a OGM interval */
 	char num_ifaces;
 	struct hlist_head softif_neigh_list;
 	struct softif_neigh __rcu *softif_neigh;
@@ -154,21 +167,29 @@  struct bat_priv {
 	struct hlist_head forw_bat_list;
 	struct hlist_head forw_bcast_list;
 	struct hlist_head gw_list;
+	struct list_head tt_changes_list; /* tracks changes in a OGM int */
 	struct list_head vis_send_list;
 	struct hashtable_t *orig_hash;
 	struct hashtable_t *tt_local_hash;
 	struct hashtable_t *tt_global_hash;
+	struct list_head tt_req_list; /* list of pending tt_requests */
 	struct hashtable_t *vis_hash;
 	spinlock_t forw_bat_list_lock; /* protects forw_bat_list */
 	spinlock_t forw_bcast_list_lock; /* protects  */
+	spinlock_t tt_changes_list_lock; /* protects tt_changes */
 	spinlock_t tt_lhash_lock; /* protects tt_local_hash */
 	spinlock_t tt_ghash_lock; /* protects tt_global_hash */
+	spinlock_t tt_req_list_lock; /* protects tt_req_list */
 	spinlock_t gw_list_lock; /* protects gw_list and curr_gw */
 	spinlock_t vis_hash_lock; /* protects vis_hash */
 	spinlock_t vis_list_lock; /* protects vis_info::recv_list */
 	spinlock_t softif_neigh_lock; /* protects soft-interface neigh list */
-	int16_t num_local_tt;
-	atomic_t tt_local_changed;
+	atomic_t num_local_tt;
+	atomic_t tt_crc; /* Checksum of the local table, recomputed before
+			  * sending a new OGM */
+	unsigned char *tt_buff;
+	int16_t tt_buff_len;
+	spinlock_t tt_buff_lock;
 	struct delayed_work tt_work;
 	struct delayed_work orig_work;
 	struct delayed_work vis_work;
@@ -202,9 +223,22 @@  struct tt_local_entry {
 struct tt_global_entry {
 	uint8_t addr[ETH_ALEN];
 	struct orig_node *orig_node;
+	uint8_t ttvn;
+	/* entry in the global table */
 	struct hlist_node hash_entry;
+struct tt_change_node {
+	struct list_head list;
+	struct tt_change change;
+struct tt_req_node {
+	uint8_t addr[ETH_ALEN];
+	unsigned long issued_at;
+	struct list_head list;
  *	forw_packet - structure for forw_list maintaining packets to be
  *	              send/forwarded
diff --git a/unicast.c b/unicast.c
index 19c3daf..4a8cb9e 100644
--- a/unicast.c
+++ b/unicast.c
@@ -329,6 +329,9 @@  find_router:
 	unicast_packet->ttl = TTL;
 	/* copy the destination for faster routing */
 	memcpy(unicast_packet->dest, orig_node->orig, ETH_ALEN);
+	/* set the destination tt version number */
+	unicast_packet->ttvn =
+		(uint8_t)atomic_read(&orig_node->last_tt_ver_num);
 	if (atomic_read(&bat_priv->fragmentation) &&
 	    data_len + sizeof(struct unicast_packet) >