[v2,01/12] batman-adv: Add hard_iface specific sysfs wrapper macros for UINT

Message ID 1452933619-6712-1-git-send-email-mareklindner@neomailbox.ch (mailing list archive)
State Accepted, archived
Commit ec46535b827539e29628881fa46e5644ec84eba7

Commit Message

Marek Lindner Jan. 16, 2016, 8:40 a.m. UTC
  From: Linus Luessing <linus.luessing@web.de>

This allows us to easily add a sysfs parameter for an
unsigned int later, which is not for a batman mesh interface
(e.g. bat0), but for a common interface instead. It allows
reading and writing an atomic_t in hard_iface (instead of
bat_priv compared to the mesh variant).

Developed by Linus during a 6 months trainee study period in
Ascom (Switzerland) AG.

Signed-off-by: Linus Luessing <linus.luessing@web.de>
Signed-off-by: Marek Lindner <mareklindner@neomailbox.ch>
[antonio@open-mesh.com: rename functions and move macros]
Signed-off-by: Antonio Quartulli <antonio@open-mesh.com>
 net/batman-adv/sysfs.c | 49 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 49 insertions(+)


Marek Lindner Jan. 19, 2016, 3:08 p.m. UTC | #1
On Saturday, January 16, 2016 16:40:08 Marek Lindner wrote:
> From: Linus Luessing <linus.luessing@web.de>
> This allows us to easily add a sysfs parameter for an
> unsigned int later, which is not for a batman mesh interface
> (e.g. bat0), but for a common interface instead. It allows
> reading and writing an atomic_t in hard_iface (instead of
> bat_priv compared to the mesh variant).
> Developed by Linus during a 6 months trainee study period in
> Ascom (Switzerland) AG.
> Signed-off-by: Linus Luessing <linus.luessing@web.de>
> Signed-off-by: Marek Lindner <mareklindner@neomailbox.ch>
> [antonio@open-mesh.com: rename functions and move macros]
> Signed-off-by: Antonio Quartulli <antonio@open-mesh.com>
> ---
>  net/batman-adv/sysfs.c | 49
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 49
> insertions(+)

Applied in revision ec46535.



diff --git a/net/batman-adv/sysfs.c b/net/batman-adv/sysfs.c
index 4d70d44..d3f69d5 100644
--- a/net/batman-adv/sysfs.c
+++ b/net/batman-adv/sysfs.c
@@ -242,6 +242,55 @@  ssize_t batadv_show_vlan_##_name(struct kobject *kobj,			\
 	static BATADV_ATTR_VLAN(_name, _mode, batadv_show_vlan_##_name,	\
+#define BATADV_ATTR_HIF_STORE_UINT(_name, _var, _min, _max, _post_func)	\
+ssize_t batadv_store_##_name(struct kobject *kobj,			\
+			     struct attribute *attr, char *buff,	\
+			     size_t count)				\
+{									\
+	struct net_device *net_dev = batadv_kobj_to_netdev(kobj);	\
+	struct batadv_hard_iface *hard_iface;				\
+	ssize_t length;							\
+									\
+	hard_iface = batadv_hardif_get_by_netdev(net_dev);		\
+	if (!hard_iface)						\
+		return 0;						\
+									\
+	length = __batadv_store_uint_attr(buff, count, _min, _max,	\
+					  _post_func, attr,		\
+					  &hard_iface->_var, net_dev);	\
+									\
+	batadv_hardif_put(hard_iface);				\
+	return length;							\
+#define BATADV_ATTR_HIF_SHOW_UINT(_name, _var)				\
+ssize_t batadv_show_##_name(struct kobject *kobj,			\
+			    struct attribute *attr, char *buff)		\
+{									\
+	struct net_device *net_dev = batadv_kobj_to_netdev(kobj);	\
+	struct batadv_hard_iface *hard_iface;				\
+	ssize_t length;							\
+									\
+	hard_iface = batadv_hardif_get_by_netdev(net_dev);		\
+	if (!hard_iface)						\
+		return 0;						\
+									\
+	length = sprintf(buff, "%i\n", atomic_read(&hard_iface->_var));	\
+									\
+	batadv_hardif_put(hard_iface);				\
+	return length;							\
+/* Use this, if you are going to set [name] in hard_iface to an
+ * unsigned integer value
+ */
+#define BATADV_ATTR_HIF_UINT(_name, _var, _mode, _min, _max, _post_func)\
+	static BATADV_ATTR_HIF_STORE_UINT(_name, _var, _min,		\
+					  _max, _post_func)		\
+	static BATADV_ATTR_HIF_SHOW_UINT(_name, _var)			\
+	static BATADV_ATTR(_name, _mode, batadv_show_##_name,		\
+			   batadv_store_##_name)
 static int batadv_store_bool_attr(char *buff, size_t count,
 				  struct net_device *net_dev,
 				  const char *attr_name, atomic_t *attr,