build_test: don't warn about "Macro argument reuse" in multicast_forw.c
Commit Message
It's tricky to avoid reusing an argument in a for-each like macro. This is
to silence the following warning:
CHECK: Macro argument reuse 'num_dests' - possible side-effects?
#789: FILE: net/batman-adv/multicast_forw.c:35:
+#define batadv_mcast_forw_tracker_for_each_dest(dest, num_dests) \
+ for (; num_dests; num_dests--, (dest) += ETH_ALEN)
CHECK: Macro argument reuse 'num_dests' - possible side-effects?
#792: FILE: net/batman-adv/multicast_forw.c:38:
+#define batadv_mcast_forw_tracker_for_each_dest_rev(dest, num_dests) \
+ for (; num_dests; num_dests--, (dest) -= ETH_ALEN)
Later, once < 5.18 is out of our compat range we can rely on C99 syntax
and use variable declarations inside a for loop, readd the check and
rewrite the macro to something like this:
#define batadv_mcast_forw_tracker_for_each_dest(dest, num_dests) \
for (typeof(num_dests) __batadv_forw_num_dests = num_dests; \
*__batadv_forw_num_dests; \
(*__batadv_forw_num_dests)--, (dest) += ETH_ALEN)
Signed-off-by: Linus Lüssing <>
--- | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ test_checkpatch()
- if [ "${fname}" = "log.h" ]; then
+ if [ "${fname}" = "log.h" -o "${fname}" = "multicast_forw.c" ]; then
cp_extra_params="${cp_extra_params} --ignore MACRO_ARG_REUSE"